Farewell to Umbria; back home to Svizzera.

Divine Mother gifted us with a stunning sunset display in Umbria last night, complete with rainbow.

This morning’s weather continued dark and rainy, which was a match for my slightly sad feelings.

And now — after a long day of driving — we’re back in Switzerland, enjoying a different though still beautiful view from our latest Airbnb. Located in Sureggio, it’s close to Ramesha’s family home in Canobbio, which will be nice for the final two weeks of our visit.

San Francisco to Lugano: we made it!

A beautiful day for a beautiful view of our San Francisco departure

We drove to Palo Alto; flew from San Francisco; switched planes in Munich; landed in Milan; were picked up by Ramesha’s sister and his Dad; had lunch in Canobbio (the village near Lugano where he grew up); and finally arrived at our little apartment in Aldesago around 4:00pm Switzerland time.

Even through a car window on an overcast day our approach to Lugano is stunningly beautiful.

We slept very little on the plane, so the goal was to stay completely awake until at least 8:30pm so that we would be more likely to sleep through the night.

It’s now 9:30pm, so as soon as I finish this it’s lights out for me.

Evening light

I’ve always loved the beautiful view from our apartment, but there’s nothing like being away for a couple of months to raise my appreciation to a whole other level!

I sat in the last rays of the sun early this evening and marveled at the light and the quiet as the day drew to an end.

Moments of magic for which I am deeply grateful.

Pacific Grove – Day 3

Mural at the Butterfly Grove Inn, next door to the Monarch Habitat Sanctuary

Our third day in Pacific Grove started with a very relaxed morning: waking up; hanging out; eating breakfast; hanging out some more; sitting in the sun in the yard; making coffee and sitting in the sun to drink it; followed by taking a nap!

Then we headed out — first to see the monarch butterflies in their habitat sanctuary (the videos are my best attempt to capture a bit of the butterfly magic). Then to walk along the coastal trail, followed by lunch (once again with a beautiful view).

A perfectly beautiful, sunny, relaxed vacation day.

Butterflies are the embodiment of “Lightly I Fly”
The monarch butterflies really loved the bottlebrush plant
This hummingbird really loved the bottlebrush plant as well
Butterfly bench
Lunch with a view

The daily view

I’m going to miss seeing this view during my walk to and from the car every day. Three more nights and then home to California!