Chant vigil blessings

What I particularly love about the AUM Guru Chant Vigil is the way it both unites and expands our Ananda family all around the world, while sharing blessings with the world at the same time.

Devotees participated from literally around the globe — Serbia, New Zealand, Zimbabwe, and multiple locations in India and the USA.

Making things extra fun this year was the fact that a number Ananda members were visiting other communities when the time came to film the AUM Guru video.

So in one video there are Village residents chanting with the group from Ananda Chandigarh, while the Ananda Los Angeles group is supplemented by members of the Chandi Ashram house at Ananda Village who were in LA to visit Yogananda’s shrines.

Finally, I want to share my favorite comment that appeared in the Live Chat during the broadcast. A member of the Ananda Virtual Community wrote it. Basically she described the AUM Guru Chant Vigil as: Ananda Sangha’s version of It’s a Small World after all” — and I think she’s absolutely right.

Each year when we do this, the world feels just a little bit smaller.

Feeling the blessings

Tonight was the conclusion of our second annual “AUM Guru Chant Vigil” and I’m feeling particularly grateful for it.


Well, Ramesha and I were already tuned in when the vigil started (immediately after the event celebrating Swami Kriyananda’s 74th discipleship anniversary), and I listened to “Aum Guru” from then until bedtime.

Upon waking, the first thing I became aware of was “Aum Guru”.

We turned back on the vigil as we got ready in the morning and continued listening to it throughout our eight hours in the AIM clinic (more hydration!).

In fact, whenever I started feeling a little fed up with lying on the hospital bed connected to tubes for hour after hour, I would tune back into the chanting and think of Master and Swamiji and the many, many blessings in my life and I wouldn’t feel fed up anymore.

So, I feel like this chant vigil really did help me during an important moment in time. And I hope it did the same for many others as well.

Chanting vigil

Chanting in the Temple of Light during last year’s vigil

With so much going on, I slightly dropped the ball on this project which is very dear to my heart. Yes, despite heading into bone marrow transplant mode, I wanted to keep my aura wrapped around it because I was so eager to see it happen again, for the second year in a row.

Why so eager? Well, not only was it a deeply powerful experience last year, but this year I’ll be receiving my high dose of chemo on September 12 and I can’t imagine anything better than spending the following 24 hours joining in with the vibration of AUM Guru being chanted by devotees around the world.

Details are below and all are welcome to participate.

AUM Guru Chant Vigil 2022


We invite you to join with devotees and truth seekers everywhere for a repeat of last year’s 24-hour global chant vigil! 

We’ll be chanting AUM Guru to strengthen and unite Ananda communities, meditation and teaching centers, and individual devotees around the world, and to send healing vibrations to all beings and the entire planet.


Starting with a mini-kirtan, which will be broadcast live from the Temple of Light at the conclusion of the Swami Kriyananda Spiritual Anniversary event on Monday, September 12 at 8:30pm (PDT). 
Convert to your local time

Ending Tuesday, September 13 at 8:30pm (PDT) with another 30 minutes of mini-kirtan, live broadcast from the Temple of Light. 


Everyone is encouraged to add energy in real time, helping to build spiritual magnetism:

  • Sing along with pre-recorded chanting videos from around the world.
  • Get together and chant AUM Guru with a few devotee friends.
  • Sing the AUM Guru chant in the privacy of your own meditation room.
  • Share the joy in real time by posting photos or video clips of you and your fellow chanters to your personal profile, with the hashtag: #aumguruchant.


CLICK HERE for information about Swami Kriyananda’s Spiritual Anniversary event.
CLICK HERE to view both the event AND 24 hours of AUM Guru chant videos.
CLICK HERE for an audio mp3 of the AUM Guru chant.
CLICK HERE to listen to last year’s AUM Guru chant vigil.

Keeping the inspiration flowing

We continue hearing from many people all over the world about how deeply inspired they were by the AUM Guru vigil and how much they appreciated having the mantra playing throughout the day.

So, we decided to create an audio compilation of the entire six hours worth of chanting!

(In case you’re wondering, the pre-recorded videos were repeated several times to keep “AUM Guru” going throughout the 24-hour chant vigil.)

The compilation includes all the recordings from Ananda devotees around the world, as well as the live chanting from the Temple of Light at Ananda Village, which started and ended the vigil. The six hours worth of chanting is divided into separate tracks, and who’s chanting for each section is listed by track.

We hope people will enjoy having “AUM Guru” playing in the background while they drive, while working, or anytime at all!

Click here for the audio compilation.

Aum Guru chant vigil: some final stats

Twenty-two separate groups and individuals contributed videos.

We had participants from elementary school age up to full retirement age (and beyond).😊

Participants represented Ananda in Camano Island, WA; Portland, OR; Ananda Village, Sacramento, and Monterey Bay, CA; Dallas, TX; Atlanta, GA; Assisi (Italy); New Delhi, Mumbai, and Chennai (India); and Hamilton (New Zealand).

Over 5,000 people viewed the live broadcast during the 24 hour vigil.

There were hundreds of comments and prayer requests on the YouTube live broadcast (which unfortunately disappeared as soon as the broadcast ended 😕).

We’re busy collecting the testimonials that have poured in.

We ended up with a video containing a full six hours of “Aum Guru” chanting.

And, finally, we’re working on creating a sort of “Aum Guru keepsake album” with the six hours of audio separated into individual tracks, so people can listen again and again to their favorite chanters. 🙏

Still processing…

My Dad was a computer programmer and systems analyst all the time I was growing up, but I, personally, don’t know the first thing about computers and computing.

That said, this image of a circuit board matches my idea of a computer processing scads of information and provides me with an analogy of what I feel my brain and psyche are busy doing post-Aum Guru chant vigil.

That 24 hours of Aum Guru being chanted around the globe, by so many devotees, had a very significant impact on many people — including me!

And I’ve got to integrate the experience and sort it out in my mind and in my heart before I can put into words what it meant to me.

It’s actually happening!

Have you ever had an idea…but it’s never been done before…and there’s not a lot of time to pull it together…and part of you wonders if it’s kind of crazy?!?

But then the time comes…and it actually happens…and people are touched and uplifted…and you feel the grace of God and Gurus pouring through…and you’re just so grateful to have played a part in something good.

So, first we chanted “Aum Guru” for 30 minutes at the end of a beautiful service in honor of Swami Kriyananda’s 73rd Discipleship Anniversary. I can’t even put into words how powerful it was for me.

And now, for the next 21 hours or so (the first 3 have already passed) you can click on the above video and hear pre-recorded chanting of “Aum Guru” by devotees from all around the world — West Coast, East Coast, Italy, India, New Zealand, and maybe more that I haven’t even heard about yet.

I’m just so thrilled that it’s really happening!

A global chant vigil

The “Aum Guru Chant Vigil” is what I’ve been focusing my energies on the past couple of weeks. It promises to be very uplifting.

But it’s okay if you don’t relate to the word, “Guru”. You can replace that word with whatever deity or entity works for you (“Aum Mother”, “Aum Jesus”, “Aum God”, etc.).

Our hope and intention is to draw on that invisible yet omnipresent power that responds to prayer and to our heart’s call,  send healing vibrations to all beings and the entire planet.

Join us if you can!