Eclipse happenings

The eclipse happened, but Ramesha and I pretty much missed it because we were on the road all day, from 9:15 to 6:00.

We had a variety of errands and medical appointments that took us from Grass Valley to Auburn then all around Grass Valley once again. I’m grateful for the fact that we actually accomplished a whole lot, thanks to grace and serendipity.

But we just didn’t have the bandwidth to pay close attention to the eclipse as well. Listening to the Gyatri mantra while we drove around was the best we could do.

Coping with the unexpected

Today I had a noon time medical appointment in Grass Valley, followed by a mid-afternoon appointment in Auburn. This was perfect, as it allowed me to set up a lunch date with my Dad and two of my siblings.

Unfortunately, my body took exception to something I ate yesterday, throwing my system off and making last night and this morning more than a little uncomfortable.

My energy was pretty zapped but I still got it together to drive to my appointments. So far, so good…except that it decided to rain and then snow throughout the whole drive. Thank goodness it didn’t accumulate much, so the roads remained clear!

Needless to say, I was pretty much wiped out by the time I got home.

Kriya: high point of the week

It was already a big week (with music to prepare and classes to attend every day), but towards the end I added two trips to town for dental appointments and errands; helped prepare the music office for carpet cleaning; and had to track down missing expense info for our upcoming tax appointment.

And, of course, tonight was Kriya!

I was so tired that I almost stayed home. But I’m glad I went because it’s always deeply inspiring and motivating.

Driving and more driving

I drove a total of approximately three hours today — to Yuba City, then Auburn, back to Grass Valley, and finally home to Nevada City — leaving the house at 9:00 this morning and returning around 6:00.

The stops along the way included a consultation about hernia surgery; lunch with my Dad and my sister; a follow-up exam for my dental implant; getting the car washed (it really needed it); and grocery shopping.

Needless to say, I am done in and rather desperately hoping to get to bed early.

Hospital déjà vu

Today was the first time since the end of July that I had an appointment with my oncologist here in Nevada City.

From January through July we were at Sierra Nevada Memorial Hospital literally every week (at least twice a week), so it was rather strange to return after an absence of four full months!

This is also the week that we drive to Sacramento for a follow-up appointment at UC Davis Cancer Center.

Two months without a single doctor’s appointment was actually quite nice. Hopefully I’ll just need occasional follow-ups from here on out.

An exhausting day

What a day this was!

Drove to UC Davis Cancer Center in Sacramento.

Had a meeting with the physical therapist, followed by another with the nurse coordinator in preparation for the bone marrow transplant.

Received a ton of information from both of them, as well as an entire “patient education binder” full of details (see photo); both Ramesha and I were pretty much fried by the the end.

Then it was time to drive home. And now we’re simply pooped.

Picking up the pace

It’s mid-July and the bone marrow transplant is suddenly feeling really close.

Things are certainly speeding up, especially in terms of fitting in appointments. In the next week and a half I’ll be having a pulmonary function test; a chest x-ray; a chemical stress test (which evidently is a two-day process); and another bone marrow biopsy (oh joy!).

And all this is in addition to my usual labs, weekly chemo injection/infusion, and physical therapy appointments.

I’m going to be a busy girl!

An exhausting Monday

After a mild autumn, the sudden onslaught of serious winter weather comes as a bit of a shock to the system!

I would have been quite happy to stay inside, rather than out in the high winds and heavy rain, but I had two appointments in town — getting blood drawn for fasting labs in the morning and physical therapy in the afternoon.

In between I had my breakfast shake in the hospital lobby while replying to emails on my phone.

I got gas and cashed checks at the bank; took advantage of being in town to grab a few Christmas-y items; picked up our grocery order; then ate the snacks I brought for lunch while sitting in the car.

An intense physical therapy session, then one final errand: picking up artwork for the music office from the frame shop.

All while driving with extra caution in the rain and doing my best to stay dry while popping in and out of the car. By the time I got home I was completely done in.

Now it’s time for dinner and an early night.