Riomaggiore: getting there, staying there

The station in Genova where we caught the train to Riomaggiore

First we drove to Genova to leave our car parked at the home of Ramesha’s cousin, Marco.

After some time hanging out with him, his wife (Roberta), and their two daughters, he walked with us to the train station. Two hours later we were in Riomaggiore.

The yellow circle at street level in the photo below shows the front door of our apartment, while the other yellow circle is the window we can open and look out on the ocean, the boats, and all the people (this is an amazing place for people watching!).

I have a bunch more photos, but for some reason (I suspect it’s the continuation of Mercury retrograde) I’ve only been able to get these two to upload to my blog. 🤔

Where we’re staying in Riomaggiore

So long to an amazing view

We’ve really enjoyed our stay here at the Utoring complex in Aldesago, but it’s time to say goodbye — to this little apartment and to the expansive view of Lugano and the distant mountains.

Day after tomorrow we’ll say goodbye to Lugano itself for a little over a week while we visit Italy; first Riomaggiore in Cinque Terre, then Ananda Assisi.

Feeling extremely grateful right now.

Stuff vs apartment

Most of today I’ve spent wrestling with the reality that we have a very small apartment and too much stuff.

The problem is that too much of the stuff is “meaningful” in some way.

Where we lived when we got it. Who gave it to us. Who we were and what we were doing at the time. So many memories.

And then there are the things that surely can be put to use. The books I’m really going to read. The photos I can’t get rid of until I’ve looked through them one last time.
