A perfect evening

Good friends. Beautiful home. Delicious dinner. And an anniversary to celebrate.

It was all completely delightful. Who could ask for more?

Remembering a special anniversary

One consequence of these past few days of intense activity was missing a fairly important anniversary. In fact, it was on October 12, 2022 that I had my final doctor’s appointment at UC Davis Medical Center and was declared officially “done” with the hospital part of my stem cell transplant process.

I still had a few (preventative) prescriptions to take. I also had to keep in mind that rebuilding my brand new immune system would take time…as well as the eventual repeat of all my childhood vaccinations.

Now it’s hard to believe all that was going on just over a year ago. It simply doesn’t seem quite real.

But the feelings of intense gratitude remain and are very real indeed. I’m pretty sure they’ll be that way forever!

Nineteen years and counting 💘

The anniversary card I gave to Ramesha today

Best idea ever? Most definitely marrying Ramesha…nineteen years ago today!

And it just keeps getting better and better.

Deep, deep gratitude for this wonderful man.

July 5, 2004

Grateful for Gilbert and Louise

This Father’s Day I’m thinking about both my Dad and my Mom.

Yesterday — the day before Father’s Day — was the 30th anniversary of my mother’s passing. It boggles my mind how so much time can have gone by already.

Thinking of you with love, Mom. And feeling more grateful than words can express that my Dad is still with us.

Three years and counting

There was such a flurry of activity happening right around Swami Kriyananda’s birthday this year that I didn’t think about the fact that it was the third anniversary of this daily blog.

I started writing it on May 19, 2019 and — amazingly enough — I’m pretty sure I’ve managed to write something every single day since then.

Sometimes I think about switching to once a week or making some other alteration in the routine, but at this point it feels good to take a moment each day to reflect on something — anything — and then write about it.

Seventeen years ago!

This is from our wedding blessing at the Ananda Palo Alto community, a completely fun, joy-filled, blissful event. We tied the knot a few days later — on July 5, 2004 — an incredible seventeen years and what feels like several lifetimes ago!

Ramesha and I have shared an amazing life for almost two decades now, and I’m so totally grateful.

Sixteen years ago…

Ramesha and Bhagavati in 2004

When Ramesha and I got married (sixteen years ago!), the astrologically auspicious date was July 5, which happened to be a Monday.

My Dad was turning 70 on July 3rd of that year, so my sister and I decided that — since the family was already gathering for the wedding — we might as well add a surprise birthday party to the festivities.

It was quite the weekend: a wedding blessing and potluck Friday night; Dad’s birthday party on Saturday; 4th of July festivities on Sunday; and finally the wedding on Monday morning!

Turns out that was a preview of what our anniversary would look like from year to year — birthdays, national holidays, and now Spiritual Renewal Week!

Which all goes to say that we didn’t have the energy to do anything out of the ordinary today.

But tomorrow…! 💕


Today was our most intensive tourist day yet!

Part 1
Met our friends from Assisi (Peter and Aanadi) in Locarno, where they’ve been visiting family. It was lovely connecting with them over coffee and brioche in a beautiful cafe right by the lake.

Part 2
Ramesha and I drove up the mountainside to Orselina, parked the car, and walked down a ton of steps in order to visit the beautiful church at Santuario Madonna del Sasso. Then we walked back up all those steps!

Part 3
Next stop Ascona — where we finally celebrated our 15th anniversary at Lago Maggiore by eating a delicious pizza. A cute little bird even kept us company.

I have a ton of pictures, but I’m too tired to post them tonight.

Tomorrow! Tomorrow!
I’ll post pics tomorrow!
It’s only a day away…!

1 month, 3 days

I really have been busy…I didn’t even notice when I passed the one month anniversary of writing this blog!

I’m actually enjoying it. So far, so good…

And that’s all I have to say for now. 🙂