From start to finish, nothing but joy

Singing “Little Kathy” with the Ananda LA choir.

These days have been full to overflowing with teaching, sharing, singing, connecting, driving, laughing, meditating, and more.

Ramesha and I had been feeling sorry not to be able to sing “Little Kathy” for Sunday service at the Village, but we were extremely well compensated by singing it with the singers from Ananda LA. We rocked it!

Plus the Ananda Village group rocked it as well. All is truly well in my world. 😊

Village housing meeting

I do believe this is my all-time favorite kind of meeting — bar none!

Ananda Village housing meetings happen maybe once a year, when there’s either a lot of people moving and houses opening up, or when there’s a lot of need and no apparent openings.

Of course, housing can be a sensitive issue, but I’m always inspired by the way it’s handled at the Village — an intentional (and cooperative) spiritual community.

Tonight’s meeting was as uplifting to me as the very first one I attended way back in 2008. There were probably 40 people in attendance, but many of us were there simply to enjoy the process and offer support.

We started, as usual, with some chanting and a prayer. The current available housing was listed, then we all shared why we were there, with those who are actively looking to move explaining what they need and the kind of situation they’re looking for.

Nothing got decided in the moment, but you could feel everyone opening their mind and heart in order to tune into “what’s trying to happen” for the highest good of all concerned.

I love it. πŸ’–

Celebrating life at Ananda Village

One of our friends is in the process of moving — with his wife and two small children — away from Ananda Village to live near our community outside Seattle.

As a parting gift, he shared the following story (originally written a couple of years ago). I’m sharing it here on my blog because he so beautifully and eloquently captured the essence of living at Ananda Village.

(I’ve replaced the names with initials, since I’m not sure if everyone is comfortable being named in a public blog. πŸ˜„)

Downtown Ananda Village is the social center of a small spiritual community, nestled in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada mountains. Surrounded by hills, from any direction in the Village one literally drives down into it to arrive at one of the destinations there such as those perennial places of pilgrimage, the mailroom and the market.

In a storm last weekend, a tree fell β€” and as I drove into the downtown area, what do I see but a bright yellow tractor against the deep green and brown of the tallest tree I’ve ever seen downed. Someone I know must be driving the tractor, the Village being what it is, but I can’t quite see who they are. The sky is beautiful and sunny, and I almost stop to take a picture. On my left are the pickleball players β€” celebrating a new pastime at the Village, and I pass them on my way in.

In the mailroom, I hear someone talking outside with N–. Who is it? I don’t recognize their voice. They are going on, kind of ranting, and N– is listening and just giving them energy. It’s the postal worker, I see as I come out. She asks about his hours and he shares how he used to work for money and now it doesn’t seem so important. “Of course!” she says, affirming this expansive understanding he’s developing. It’s God’s kindness that she shares, by listening, and you can tell that she cares. And I think of it all as I walk away.

In the market, I see S–, joyfully willing to help me find the pumpkin pie spice on my shopping list. It’s the same with P– β€” and they are laughing; I can’t remember why, but the feeling of it stays with me. The person checking out the groceries, a math teacher, adds up the totals in his head. To have such joy in the midst of service; to be consciously engaged in what one does, even in the checkout line. I think of it all, and carry it with me.

Back in the car, I start driving home. I pass R– on my right, a person who, more than anyone I’ve ever known, is always ready to share a smile and a laugh. There’s a utility worker nearby and I watch as he changes direction, making a detour to talk to the visitor. The way he does this makes me wonder: perhaps the only reason is just to share joy, because this person is here and because joy wants to be shared. That idea fits with what I know of R–. And I think of this.

As I reach the tree, it all comes together. I see that P–, a long-time meditator, is the driver of the tractor, and one of the monks is helping him; I see a neighbor walking with her friend, just reaching them, where they talk together. I see that everyone is here for joy, everyone is sharing joy β€” and more than that, everyone is joy.

Joy is the air we breathe and the river in which we swim. It’s taking the perfect drive through downtown Ananda Village, with the walkers laughing with P– on the tractor, the pickleball players, the visitors β€” and I think of S– and P–, N– β€” and I think of my guru, choreographing this moment.

I have nothing I can add to it; I cannot capture it with a photo, or deepen it with a conversation, so I simply drive through it, this ideal everyday expression of a spiritual community β€” simple living and high thinking, for God in ourselves and in each other.

Go with love, Nabha and family. πŸ’–

A blast of Christmas joy!

If you’re ready for a blast of Christmas joy, please consider joining us for our annual Christmas Concert, THIS Saturday, December 16 at 5:30pm (PST) in the Temple of Light at Ananda Village. Β 

This year’s concert feels special on several levels. To start with, it’s the first time sinceΒ 2019Β that the full Ananda Village Choir gets to sing on the Christmas Concert.

Secondly, early this year we made the decision to experiment with having a smaller ensemble of dedicated singers who were able and willing to put in the time and effort to take their singing to another level. I believe that outpouring of additional energy is going to bear beautiful fruit in this concert.

Finally, it feels special…just because! I can’t even explain the feeling; maybe the stars are somehow aligned. Who knows? It just feels really, really good.

We start early (5:30pm PST) in order to make the concert accessible to families with small children; that’s also the reason the program only lasts about an hour.

And if you live too far away to join us in person, watch the concert LIVE using this link: (or you can just click on the video above).

I hope you can join us in celebrating the love of Christ and the joy of this Holy Season.

Countdown to the Christmas concert

Christmas Concert 2019 (in the Temple of Light at Ananda Village)

There’s a not-so-subtle shift that happens for me pretty much every year about this time.

Basically, no matter how early we start preparing for the Christmas concert, there’s nothing like the week before Thanksgiving to bring everything into a razor sharp focus.

So, yeah — this is the week when the countdown clock starts ticking and the pressure begins to build.

Luckily, we had a wonderful rehearsal tonight — both Village Choir and Ensemble — so I think we’re actually in good shape.

What an accomplishment!

Hats off to the team who were inspired by a vision, put out tons of energy, and manifested an absolutely wonderful Harvest Festival here at Ananda Village!

I couldn’t go during the day, but attended the Farm-to-Table dinner at The Expanding Light Retreat in the evening, which was a huge success as well.

I love my community. πŸ§‘πŸ‚πŸ˜Š

Photo by Lisa Clark

My beautiful community

Awesome photo by the incomparable Barbara Bingham!

Today was our Lahiri work day at Ananda Village. I arrived a little late and missed being part of this wonderful photo.

But no worries! I still got to spend the morning serving alongside my fellow residents (all dear friends), being a part of the joyous enthusiasm of the day.

Remembering this time last year

I’ve been re-reading blog posts from a year ago and can hardly believe it was me who was going through all that last year.

One thing I’m hyper-aware of is being able to once again fully experience autumn.

We were super grateful for our time in Sacramento, but the fall there really can’t compare with Ananda Village. Not to mention how distracted we were!

Now I’m happy to be here for the duration.

Beauty all around us

Many thanks to our friend, Ram, for this gorgeous photo of a lotus taken at one of the ponds here at Ananda Village.

I’m so grateful to live surrounded by so much beauty.

Taking the plunge

Tomorrow morning is the Sevaka Order retreat, which is pretty much the warmup act to Spiritual Renewal Week.

Spiritual Renewal Week is pretty much the biggest week of the year at Ananda Village, with classes every morning; special events pretty much every afternoon and evening; and guests joining from all around the globe.

Music in a variety of forms is featured every day throughout the week. I think we’ve got all our music bases covered, but I’m so “detailed out” at the moment it’s hard to be sure.

Regardless — tomorrow we take the plunge and it all begins!