Finally, some photos (Palos Verdes & Ananda South Bay)

We took a short walk in the neighborhood and enjoyed this beautiful ocean view.

We had a truly lovely time staying in Palos Verdes with dear friends Padma and Arnab, and their delightful daughter, Ronjini.

The new (to us, anyway) center in Torrance is beautiful; our workshop was well-attended; and a great time was had by all!

We were greeted by a tile lion in front of the center
Ground floor entryway and stairway up to the center
An inviting seating area at the top of the stairs
A beautiful corner
Main altar at Ananda South Bay
Side altar
Post-workshop satsang in the kitchen

Awakening & deepening

Our workshops last night and this afternoon had some pretty lofty titles: Friday’s was “Music to Awaken Superconsciousness,” while today’s was “Music for Deepening Your Attunement.”

Not surprisingly, in each instance the essence of what came through was joy, harmony, and divine friendship.

We’ve had so much fun sharing and interacting with all the great souls both at Ananda South Bay and Ananda East Los Angeles that I’m once again feeling pretty pooped — and tomorrow morning we give Sunday service!

So, the full report just might have to wait until we get home.