What we did today

The Joy Singers accomplished our Christmas album recording goals today, but — boy oh boy — is it an exhausting process!

The six traditional carols are “in the can” (as they say); one more full day and we’ll be done.

Almost there

Tomorrow is the end of this challenge (my third!), so today was the last of four weekly fast days.

It’s an interesting paradox. On the one hand, by week four of the challenge I’m in a flow and things don’t feel as physically hard (even the fasting!).

On the other hand, by the end of each challenge I find myself starting to get a little squirrely and somewhat restless.

Nothing too serious, but this is why I love a program that’s broken up into chunks. Even if I start to crave something different, I can easily tell myself, “No way! There’s only ___ more days in the challenge; don’t give in now!”

Plus I’m getting wiser about how I “indulge” in-between challenges, so that I allow variety and a little splurging without completely derailing the process.

Before you know it, I’ll be ready for #4!

Doing, doing, almost done

It was just a few days ago (although it feels like about a month!) that I posted about “biting off more than you can chew”.

Well, we just keep “chewing”, as the project grows…and grows….and grows some more! In fact, I just counted and we have ninety-four (94!) videos of Ananda devotees from around the world, all singing.

Yes, it’s been a quite a ride, and we’re not completely done yet, but — boy oh boy — is it going to be wonderful!