Riding the wave

Ramesha is riding a wave of growing momentum and increasing interest in the deeply devotional chanting album he’s about to launch.

This is the artwork for the second single, which also has a beautiful lyric video (thanks once again to our resident videographer-extraordinaire, Bhaktan!) that Ramesha will be releasing later this week. He calls it “a song for compassion” and that’s a perfect description of the vibration and message of this chant.

Ramesha’s joyous excitement is contagious! But, really, I’m just super pleased to see all his hard work and focus coming to fruition.

Surmounting difficulties

“Surmounting difficulties” is definitely what Ramesha’s been doing these past few days. For weeks now he’s been working really hard as he gets ready to launch his new album; challenging himself to learn new skills, pushing himself to meet lofty goals.

And then… POW! Setback after setback and obstacle after obstacle; mostly having to do with the documentary he created (see the video).

It’s no wonder he was thrown for a loop; most of the issues seemed random and nonsensical. And after three solid weeks of putting his heart and soul into it, it’s not surprising that he was frustrated enough to be tempted to throw in the towel.

Luckily he hung in there until the storm passed and is now finding solutions to those (still) random and nonsensical issues. And in the meantime, people who view the documentary are expressing their appreciation for what he created and their eagerness to receive the CD.

The moral of the story?

Without tapasya there is no significant spiritual progress. 

Swami Nirmalananda Giri

Surmounting difficulty is the crucible that forms character.

Tony Robbins

In my estimation, Ramesha is making significant spiritual progress and forming lots and lots of character! 🥰