What do we think we can control?

Art by Valery Rybakow

This really spoke to me today. Such an important reminder…BE KIND. Not just to others, but also to OURSELVES!

Me: Hey God.

God: Hello, My love.

Me: The world is completely out of control!

God: I know. It’s such an adventure, right? 

Me: No! It’s like being on a runaway train! I need to feel like I am in control of my life. 

God: You want to be in control?  

Me: Yes!  

God: You are living on a spinning wet rock of a planet that resides next to a constantly exploding fireball in the middle of an ever-expanding universe that is filled with mysteries beyond your wildest imagination.  

Me: Um, okay….

God: And on this planet that you are hurtling through the great expanse in — you are coexisting with billions of other people who have free-will and their own experiences that shape their perspectives and beliefs.

Me: Yeah…? 

God: And while all this is going on your soul is residing in a physical body that is such a miracle of delicate engineering that at any given moment could produce its last heartbeat.

Me: Right…

God: What is it about your existence that you think you have any control of?

Me: Um…

God: Come on — you know the answer to this. What can you control?

Me: How kind I am to people?

God: Yep and one other thing.

Me: What’s that?

God: How kind you are to yourself. Aside from that — most of everything else is a bit outside of your design.  

Me: This is a bit terrifying…

God: All great adventures are!

~ john roedel

Made it

Evening view from the front door of my suite

It was a push to wrap things up and get here.

It was disorienting to do so while a veritable blizzard was raging outside.

It was rather exciting negotiating the snowy, icy roads to reach here (thank you, Tim, for getting me here safely).

Now to relax and immerse myself in this new adventure.

We’re here!

We felt like we were packing up our entire house this morning, but it mostly looked like so much because our apartment is small.

We arrived in time to unload the car and grab a quick bit to eat, then it was over to the medical center for lab work, a COVID test, and an educational meeting in the main hospital with a CTU (Cellular Therapy Unit) nurse to learn the nitty gritty details of the transplant process.

And so begins the next phase of the adventure!

Really happening

As I got ready for Sunday service, as we rehearsed, and throughout the service itself, I couldn’t help thinking that we won’t be doing this for some time to come.

And that — more than anything else so far — brought home to me that this is really happening. We’re really leaving for Sacramento in just a few more days and then the adventure really gets interesting!

And so it begins

The preliminaries are done; now I embark on the next stage of the adventure.

And an adventure truly is what it feels like.

I can’t help wondering who I’ll be once I reach the other end of the journey, though I’m quite certain I’ll find many treasures along the way.