Accepting change

Today I witnessed a friend realizing and graciously accepting a previously unsuspected limitation.

And it got me reflecting — certainly not for the first time — on the bittersweet quality of the autumn season.

Of fully embracing the beauty inherent in the transition. Of being grateful for the abundance and bounty we have enjoyed, even as we accept its unavoidable passing.

Trees, bodies, loved ones. They all change and eventually pass. My prayer is to learn to accept the changes as graciously as did my friend.

Something to think about

A little something to reflect on as we reach the end of a challenging week.

Learning to embrace what I evidently need, rather than stubbornly insist on getting what I want, is clearly a lifelong lesson.

Practicing flexibility and acceptance

For a while now we’ve been planning to increase our Sunday service singing group to two singers on each part, for a total of eight in the group (woohoo!).

This was finally going to be the week…such anticipation!

Instead, we got to face a big dose of reality regarding the surging numbers of COVID cases in Nevada County, and realized that this is not the time to add singers. 😕

The plan is now on hold and we’re bummed…as are the others who are craving the opportunity to sing again.

But I’m concentrating on being grateful that so far we’re managing to keep live music happening for Sunday service, no matter how small the group has to be.

Embracing acceptance

At Ananda, every Sunday service includes a reading from Affirmations for Self-Healing by Swami Kriyananda. And — with Election Day bearing down upon us — the one for today is so perfect that I’m including it below in its entirety.

One of the most difficult lessons in life is to learn to accept things as they are. How much energy we waste in trying to wish away the inevitable! “If only this hadn’t happened!” “If only we had reached there in time!” The “if only’s” and “might have been’s” in life keep us from dealing realistically with what is.

Acceptance comes from knowing that reality lies within ourselves, and that all else is a dream. Acceptance of that one reality makes everything else acceptable. Instead of learning to come to grips with a thousand individual challenges, therefore, make the supreme effort to accept God unconditionally into your heart. Accept all that comes in life as coming from His hands. He will give you what is best for you, if you live for Him alone.


I accept with calm impartiality whatever comes my way. Free in my heart, I am not conditioned by any outward circumstance.


Shine Thy delusion-cauterizing light into the hidden nooks of my heart’s feelings, lest somewhere, without my conscious knowledge, I have not accepted Thee. If ever I err, strengthen me to accept Thy discipline, for in Thy will alone lies the happiness I am seeking.

Truly comprehending this is an extremely tall order, but I’m grateful for the reminder to even try not to wish away the inevitable — whatever that may turn out to be! 🙏🕉🙏