Celebrating Jyotish

“Jyotish” means “light” in Sanskrit and this photo certainly shows the light that is Nayaswami Jyotish!

Today we celebrated Nayaswami Jyotish’s 80th birthday with a glorious party in the lower gardens of Crystal Hermitage. Everything was glorious, from the garden setting to the weather to the decorations to the musical program to the cupcakes to the sea of joyful humanity gathered in his honor.

It truly couldn’t have been better.

So, how does one describe Nayaswami Jyotish? Well, he and his wife, Nayaswami Devi, are longtime devotees of Paramhansa Yogananda; Global Peace Ambassadors; Spiritual Directors of Ananda Worldwide; published authors; inspired speakers; incredible teachers; and beautiful role models of discipleship and how to live a life dedicated to God.

In addition, Jyotish is a gifted painter, and the designated spiritual successor to Swami Kriyananda, Ananda’s founder.

But I feel blessed and deeply privileged to know Jyotish and Devi as divine friends.

I’m tempted to ask how did I get so lucky, but I know it’s not luck. It’s very, very, very good karma.

A beautiful evening for a lovely rehearsal

Sunset afterglow at Crystal Hermitage as we were packing up after rehearsal

Tonight was our final choir rehearsal for this Saturday’s event celebrating Nayaswami Jyotish’s 80th birthday.

Two of the musical offerings we’ve prepared for Jyotish felt rather daunting to pull together in the limited time we had available after the conclusion of Spiritual Renewal Week. But tonight it was clear that both projects were absolutely the right thing to do, and they’re coming together beautifully.

In fact, thinking over the entire rehearsal, I’m feeling a whole lot of gratitude for the harmonious, team-oriented, collaborative way that our music ministry and the entire choir works together.

Sure, there are chaotic moments, but the overall feeling is one of uplifted and uplifting FUN.

What a joy it is to serve in this way.