Time to shine

Print available at Spirit Daughter

When I saw this on Facebook, it stopped me in my tracks. The imagery so perfectly reflects my process of the past couple of years.

In 2022 I was largely turned in on myself as I moved through my cancer journey. 

At the beginning of 2023, I was done with treatments, off disability, and back to work. So, I rather naively assumed all was back to normal. It wasn’t until about half or even two-thirds of the way through 2023 that I finally “got it” that, although progress was being made, I still had a way to go before being fully healed and integrated on all levels once again.

Now, as 2024 gets underway, there’s been a definite inner shift, which I’m experiencing as interesting new thoughts, choices, and behaviors (I’ll share more about this in future blog posts). 

In fact, the above image (which can be purchased as a print) has inspired me to do something I haven’t done in over thirty years — create a little rhyme to affirm my vision for this beautiful new year. Here goes…

In two zero two four, I’ll shine once more! 🌟

Memories of Swamiji

With Swamiji in Assisi (possibly during the oratorio tour in 2000)

I’ve been catching up on my reading of several books about Swami Kriyananda (the founder of Ananda, who I also consider one of my dearest friends).

In the course of reading, many memories are surfacing. Some of them are quite precious and I’m hoping to dedicate more time to getting them down in writing in 2023.

Weekly gratitude plan for 2023

This year I’m determined to do this.

I’ve got the jars. I’ve got the paper. And once a week is totally doable (as opposed to aiming for every day).

I’m looking forward to reading the notes next New Year’s Eve!

Blessings for the new year

Free illustrations of New year's day

It’s taken me until today to finally feel the reality of starting a new year.

2022 was definitely another doozy of a year and we’re quite content to release it, with deep gratitude for its blessings, lessons, and tremendous spiritual growth.

Now it’s time to look ahead to 2023, which I pray will be filled with boundless love, infinite joy, vibrant health, and abundant prosperity for us all!