Strength in love

I woke up this morning wondering how, exactly, does one find strength in love?

I thought about it off and on all day and it seems to me that the real question lies in what kind of love are we relying on for our strength?

I have a hunch that lifetime after lifetime is spent trying to find strength in love of people, love of money and things, love of power, love of intelligence, love of physical health, and so on and so forth. But none of those is–in and of itself–a permanent, infinite love.

Not that I’m there yet (by any means!), but I believe we find strength in love only when we begin to have even a glimmer of an understanding that God IS love. That, in Truth, there is nothing BUT love. And that we are ONE with that Love, which is all there is.

So I propose we update the phrase to read “find your strength in Divine Love.”