So much to be grateful for

Sure, there’s still no power, which is inconvenient.

True, we ran into issues changing phone providers, which was annoying.

Yes, it been raining a lot, which can feel a little oppressive.

But on the other hand…

Our heat is propane, so we’re nice and warm. We’ve got a small generator, so fridge and wifi work. We live in spiritual community, surrounded by friends. We love our work, which we get to do together.

And even more basic…

We have a roof over our heads, our roads aren’t flooded, we have plenty to eat, and no fear for our personal safety.

I mean, really…! I am extremely blessed, and I know it.

One Reply to “So much to be grateful for”

  1. Beautiful post. Beautiful perspective. We have so much. It’s important to focus on it. πŸ™πŸ’–πŸ™

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