Shout out to Ramesha!

Today I just have to give a HUGE shout out to my husband, Ramesha!
He has been putting out an amazing amount of time and energy and resources, which — of course! — means that he’s also facing down those inner parts of himself that want to hold him back.
The letter below is the first time he’s really shared with our spiritual family what he’s been up to. I’m making it the basis of today’s blog because I am so very proud of him, so appreciative of all his hard work, and I want to do anything and everything I can to support him in his endeavors.

Dear Ananda family,

I’d like to share with you about a project that I’ve been working very hard on for the last few months.

As you already know, for years we in the music ministry have been trying to find ways to “get the music out there” (as Swamiji would say), by sharing our music with a wider audience than just Ananda members. 

We all love our music and we are constantly nurtured by it. But there are thousands, maybe even millions of people out there who would probably love it as much as we do, if only they had a chance to LEARN about it!

So, this is what I’ve been focusing on: letting (a lot) more people know about Ananda Music by putting it in front of them right where they like to hang out most: on social media.

I’ve been working closely with an amazing group of musicians and music marketers who are teaching, from direct personal experience, what works in terms of promoting music online. The possibilities are mind boggling!

A key point they emphasize is that to successfully promote music (or anything else), you have to create a culture, a brand, a sense of COMMUNITY that is oriented around the music you promote. However, I’m also learning that it’s a lot more effective to promote music as an individual, rather than as an organization. People (potential “fans”) are used to relating to an individual, like a singer or instrumentalist, rather than to an entity such as “Ananda Music.” Of course, this approach feels dramatically different to me as a devotee, but I’m committed to following the program, so…!

Another benefit of promoting myself as an individual is that it allows me to more easily reach out to those who aren’t ready to embrace a spiritual path, but are hungry for inspiration and connection. Similarly to what Jyotish and Devi are doing with the Yogananda Institute in India, I’ll be presenting our music to the world without placing emphasis on a path, religion, or affiliation, but simply as a tool to inspire and uplift, from musician to listener.

And, of course, a huge plus of building my business in this way is the potential to substantially increase my income–both personally and eventually for the music ministry–while still allowing me to operate within the dharma of promoting and performing the music of Master and Swamiji.   

I’ve put a lot of energy into my online “presence”; click on the links to see my new website, online store, professional Facebook page, and my Live Happy! Facebook group.

And now, friends, I have two favors to ask of you:  
First, I’m hoping you will feel inspired to visit and consider joining my Live Happy! Facebook group.This is where I’m creating the culture and sense of community that I was talking about earlier, and it would be great to have inspiring souls, like yourselves, chiming in by posting uplifting items and sharing insights that may be of interest to spiritually-inclined people, without being specifically “Ananda”.

Finally, please hold this project in your prayers. I feel it has the potential to make our music known to many thirsty souls. 

Thank you all!

In gratitude,