Service (through cooking) is joy!

Cooking with Nandadevi.

A while ago I signed up to cook dinner for the Village internship program…and then promptly forgot about it. (I have no idea why I didn’t put it on my calendar — duh!)

A couple of days ago I got a reminder about it, and I have to confess that my first thought was, “Oh no! Do I really have time to do this?!?”

Well, tonight was the night, and (as usual) I’m soooo glad I didn’t bail.

Why? Let me count the ways…

  1. My “helper” was Nandadevi, one of my favorite people on the planet. It was lovely chatting with her while cutting veggies; plus Sundara came and helped as well.
  2. Being in the Expanding Light kitchen was great fun, especially since it meant running into people I don’t see in my usual daily flow (like Ana and Darshana) and also getting to visit with ashram residents Matthew and Janaka.
  3. I got to experience anew the truth that “Service is joy!”
  4. And finally, I got to meet a bunch of new interns, a sweet group of souls who’ve come together from all over the country — including Texas, Illinois, Iowa, Louisiana, Florida, and various parts of California.

All in all, an extremely satisfying evening.