September 15 health update

Hi all, 

This is a pretty brief update. 

Basically, the nurses and doctors tell us that I’m doing very well. Throughout the high dose chemo and yesterday’s stem cell transplant, my vital signs remained steady, I didn’t spike any fevers, the quantities of IV fluids didn’t compromise my heart or lungs, etc. 

However…! There’s no escaping the reality of chemo side effects (so far mostly incipient nausea and fatigue) and low blood counts (more fatigue). It’s very strange to feel soooo tired, especially as it’s expected to get even worse before it gets better. 

In my last update, I wrote: From that point on, it’s simply a matter of managing any side effects from the chemo and waiting for my stem cells to get to work rebuilding my immune system. 

What I’m realizing now is that it’s not so simple. Not having energy is a serious downer and I can feel the pull to worry about how much worse it could get. So then I have to breathe in and out in order to stay in the present moment. Because, since I can’t bypass this process, I have to keep raising my energy to embrace the karma. 

I also want to say how much I appreciate all the messages of support — emails, e-cards, texts, poems, gifts, stories, you name it! I wish I could keep up with replying to each one, but I know you all understand it’s not possible. 

Transplant was Day 0, so now I’m on Day +1. There probably won’t be much more to share until I get past Day +5. Thank you for your continuing prayers.

Lots and lots of love! 💖

5 Replies to “September 15 health update”

  1. Hang in there dear friend. Every extra minute is worth it. My own troubles are much less than yours. I do know that all our spiritual practice is a deep and loving well of grace we can draw on, and it will help us heal. We send our prayers and best wishes for your greatest and most gentle journey through this time together with Ramesha and your supporters.

  2. I know how that fatigue feels and it’s not pretty! Hang in there, I and many many others are pulling and praying for you.

  3. Sharon, stay encouraged, and hang in there. Gilbert and I are praying that God will sustain and restore you while going through the process. Psalm 41:3 AMP

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