My best self

“My best self”. This phrase popped into my head as I was praying before meditation this morning. I’m not even entirely sure what the heck I was thinking of exactly.

What surprised me is that thoughts of “my best self” were all externally oriented. In other words, what came to mind were things that were measurable and visible: things that could be (and have been!) judged.

Then something radical occurred to me… what if I’ve had it backwards all these years? What if aiming to be “my best self” is all (and only) about how I feel inside? What if being “my best self” is a matter of self-acceptance, of self-forgiveness, of compassion for myself? What if it’s opening up to wholly receive God’s love and then learning to love myself as God loves me: unconditionally?

I mean, it makes sense that the more I’m in tune with and expressing the Divine, the more I’ll be my “best Self”. What do you think?

4 Replies to “My best self”

  1. Wow. This is one of those beautiful intuitive insights that just blow you away. So simple. So powerful.

    Best self vs. Best Self. And as we increase our capacity to accept, forgive and have compassion for ourselves, we increase our capacity to hold others in the same loving embrace. Truly our Best Self.

    Thank you so much for sharing. Very much enjoy reading your daily posts! ❤️

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