Mind expanding

How’s that for a mind expanding, brain boggling concept?!? Yes, because “everyone” means just that — every single one.

The problem is that it’s hard to remember, accept, or even embrace the fact that everyone (yes, every single person) is at their own, unique level of consciousness, which is the filter through which they live their life. And from that level of consciousness everything (yes, every single thing) they think or do makes perfect sense — to them.

As I learned in NLP training many years ago: There are no un-resourceful people, only un-resourceful states. Help someone change their state of being; help them see better choices, and their behaviors will change.

Or as Asha up it in a Sunday service, also decades ago: If I could’a done better, I would’a done better. Which — of course — can also be stated: If they could’a done better, they would’a done better.

I do my best to apply these ideas to people whose behavior seems absolutely nuts to me; it helps me stay compassionate while building some serious spiritual muscle!

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