Husbandly insight

As I’ve mentioned before, the new behavior that I’m endeavoring to turn into a habit is getting up early, regardless of what time I go to bed (the idea being that fatigue will eventually force me into bed at an earlier hour).

I started doing this a couple of days before the New Year, so I’m closing in on two weeks worth of early mornings. Unfortunately, early nights remain elusive.

So today, I got up before dawn, meditated, exercised…then promptly hit the non-productivity wall.

I read a novel. I stared out the window. I browsed the internet, perusing articles about Harry and Meghan, San Francisco’s housing crisis, and Kylo Ren(!). Then I finally acknowledged out loud that I didn’t feel like doing anything.

That’s when Ramesha pointed out that it’s taking a ton of psychic energy to stick with the changes I’m making, because I’m endeavoring to shift some very basic and long-established tendencies. I could feel the truth of what he was saying, also allowing for the “tiredness factor” making it harder to stay motivated and focused on getting things done.

This all helped me relax and accept this strange phase I’m in, remembering that “this too shall pass”!

4 Replies to “Husbandly insight”

  1. Plus, going to bed late, getting up early, you have WAY more time on your hands! Blessings to you for hitting the goals hard, and tuning into where you can make some tweaks!

  2. I can feel your pain…me too! You can always tootle over for a nice cuppa! Or walkies! Maybe we can tire each other out while having some nice satsang.😀

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