Counting the days!

We’re no longer counting weeks until the 50th anniversary. We’re counting days. As in ten days from tomorrow (gulp!).

But you know what? Divine Mother really does have our back! Today I received–completely out of the blue–the most beautiful, generous, incredible offer of help imaginable, from someone who’s coming to the 50th and wants to serve.

Believe me, I said YES! so fast it made my head spin, because I want Divine Mother, God, the Universe, All That Is to see just how open and receptive I am.

This brings to mind a line from a prayer-poem of Yogananda’s that my husband and I have been working with for some time now:

“When you do your part and rely on God to do His, you will find that mysterious forces come to your aid and that all your constructive wishes soon materialize.”

Maybe my friend from the East Coast isn’t a “mysterious force” but she’s definitely coming to my aid. And I’m extremely grateful.