Choir by the numbers

All week I’ve been wondering just how many singers we had in the Monday morning and Thursday night “global” choir. Tonight–with the help of some photos–I was able to figure it out.

105 singers RSVP’d “yes” for singing before the Monday morning class and there were a 100 singers who actually sang that morning.

For the concert we had RSVP’s from 128 singers, but “only” 111 singers participated. It’s probably just as well, because I don’t see how we could possibly have fit another seventeen singers on the dais!

Singers ranged in age from high school to octogenarians, and came from the United States, India, Croatia, Italy, Germany, Japan, Israel, Hong Kong, Jamaica, and England. As I looked at the photos I was once again inspired and touched to see people of all races, ages, nationalities, and religions singing side by side with such joyful enthusiasm. We truly are a World Brotherhood Choir!