
Tonight’s inspiration came from a completely unexpected source: a Facebook ad for something called Rasa Koffee. I guess the sweet photo of a mother and baby might have caught my eye at first, but it was the written content that really drew me in.

Why? Because it was so real and honest and conversational and loving and balanced and light. I did end up also being interested in the product (an adaptogenic healthy coffee alternative), but it was my impression of the person behind the product that grabbed me and wouldn’t let me go.

I tried to go back and find the ad, in order to re-read it and understand what it was that I had found to be so compelling; but no luck. All I can think is that it spoke to that part of me that’s looking for the way out of doubt, judgement, and second-guessing oneself…the seemingly eternal litany of “you’re aren’t (smart, good, talented, etc–fill in the blank) enough”.

It’s heartening to see someone modeling a healthy relationship with themselves. It particularly showed in the way the owner responded to negative comments–with gracious compassion and understanding, without getting triggered or defensive. A real change of pace from what you usually read on social media!

You might want to check it out…