A song for the times

It’s in times like these that Swami Kriyananda’s song, Go On Alone, really speaks to me. We sang it for Sunday service this morning and I felt more strongly than ever the message of Truth that is so powerfully expressed through this thrilling combination of melody, harmony, rhythm, and lyrics! (The song is at approximately the 16:45 mark in the video below, if you want to listen to it.)

But what is that message? For me, this song is all about being in the spine. About standing strong and living life from one’s center. About having courage of conviction and feeling so secure in who you are that you can act with kindness and compassion towards others. Wow, that pretty much describes a hero/heroine, doesn’t it? Which is what I believe these times are calling us to be, because our world sure has need of more everyday heroes and heroines.

Swami’s brief introduction to the song pretty much says it all:
“The path to truth is not for weaklings!
Seek approval not from others,
But in your self, with God.
-Truth Can Never Die”

Some men call it progress—
Down with those who doubt!—
To join the causes others join,
And shout when others shout.
Come, you’re a man,
No passive stone!
Stand up, and call your soul your own!
Go on alone! Go on alone!
Banish weakness: Go on alone!
Go on alone! Go on alone!
Don’t look back! just go on alone!

Some men lack the daring
Ever to be free!
They shun the heights, and crowd the depths,
And court security.

Cowards see but pride in
“Oh, never mind if men are wrong,
So long as they agree!”

Claim the power within you
Error to defy!
The world may change or disappear,
But truth can never die!