A small but huge thing

I bought this fabric painting of Krishna from The Expanding Light Boutique way back in my early days with Ananda (probably 2000 or 2001, when I had been on the path for only a few years).

I had been moving around a lot in the years leading up to my arrival at Ananda Palo Alto, and the moves accelerated once I arrived in the Palo Alto community, culminating in my move to Ananda Assisi in 2002.

From there it was Lugano (two moves); back to the States, starting out housesitting; Ananda Village (three moves); Ananda Los Angeles (two moves); and back to Ananda Village (five moves).

And this beautiful Krishna came with me throughout all those moves, sometimes thumbtacked to a wall, often tucked away in a box.

But now — finally! — he’s beautifully displayed and protected within a frame. And it only took twenty years — a small but HUGE thing which I’m feeling really good about. 😊