Present reality

The early morning view from our little studio apartment in Aldesago during our last hours in Switzerland.

What a dramatic difference between my Tuesday morning “reality” and my Wednesday morning “reality”!

My reality for a month was mountains, lakes, lush greenery, and lots of people (all speaking Italian!); then this morning I’m back in the reality of forested hills, dried up grass, rustic living, and a very quiet, tranquil environment.

It’s easy to think that one’s present reality is the only reality, because it looks and feels so…well, real! Which is why traveling the world is so useful; one begins to perceive that there are an infinite variety of “realities”, depending not only on location but also the perception and perspective of each individual.

Towards the end of a solid month in Lugano I had to concentrate hard to remember details of our apartment here at the Village; it almost didn’t seem “real” any more!

I love the concept of the Divine Lila, or “God’s play”. The great masters tell us that this is all God’s dream, and — in fact — it sometimes seems to me as though my other “realities” have gone away while I’m away from them. It’s kind of fun to play with that thought: when I’m not there to observe it, does my apartment just dissolve back into undifferentiated bliss?!?