More photos, more memories

At our Ananda Assisi wedding in July of 2004. Our legal wedding was two weeks before at Ananda Palo Alto, but we repeated the Ananda wedding ceremony in Assisi for our Swiss and Italian family and friends.

It’s been such a busy time that I haven’t made a lot of progress on my Swami stories project. However, it’s definitely been percolating in the back of mind.

I find memories surfacing as I sing a particular song or find another photo, and I’m doing my best to make notes so I’ll remember them when I start writing.

In the meantime, I’m seeing the truth that when you focus on something you attract more of it!

Completely out of the blue today, I received an message from a photographer friend saying she had just found a stash of photos from our Assisi wedding back in 2004.

I guess it could be “just a coincidence” (but I don’t think so). 😊