Getting back to caring for myself

Beautiful leaves on this morning’s walk

One day of fasting and one morning back to walking, and I feel completely transformed!

And that’s after a good three weeks of whooping it up (food-wise), while walking less and less until I had stopped altogether for about a week.

It’s amazing what my mind can put me through in times like that. It wants me to believe I’ve been “bad” forever; that I’ve probably undone all the good of the previous months; that it’s going to be really hard to start walking or fasting or eating well again.

Well, absolutely none of that was true (take that, lizard mind!).

Fasting was easier than ever; it felt ever so good to walk this morning; and I’ve slipped back into my eating program without a single hitch — no cravings, no resistance, no nothing.

What gives?

Well, I think part of it is that just the intention of getting back on track was wholeheartedly embraced by my entire being as a return to self-love. It’s like everything in me relaxed with a big “Aahhh, we’re being cared for the way we like.”

And the speed with which my body responded to my return to fasting, walking, and eating better, tells me just how happy doing these things makes me on a physical level.

My body didn’t have to re-adapt. It was simply ready and waiting for me to turn back around and head in the right direction.