
photo of Master's Market in "downtown" Ananda Village
Master’s Market

Today was the first full day of officially being without our Market.

I know it’s for the best. I know change is good. I know something even better is in the process of manifesting. I know “when one door closes another door opens”. I absolutely know all this is true.

And…it’s still the end of an era and feels pretty weird.

The song lyric that keeps popping into my head is:
Don’t it always seem to go 
That you don’t know what you’ve got 
Till it’s gone…

Even when you’ve had advanced warning, with plenty of time to adjust and make other plans, there’s still a shock to the system you experience when that place (or thing or person) really is gone. You might start to feel your appreciation more deeply and in more ways than you realized before.

I know it’s temporary, but for now I’m definitely feeling the hole in the fabric of our Village.