Still here

All last week we all practically lived at the Temple of Light, being there every single morning, plus most afternoons and evenings as well. So it felt really good to have a couple of mostly stay-at-home days where I didn’t set foot in the Temple even once.

But this afternoon I needed to go back into it. True, I had to pick up some forgotten items, but mostly it was a necessary part of my integration process.

It was all very quiet, with only a few other people around; a great contrast to all the commotion of last week! I went into the Sanctuary and sat for a little while in meditation, marveling at the profound stillness and the uplifting beauty…

…and was struck yet again by the realization that it’s ours! It’s still here and right here is where it’s going to stay for basically forever. And we are blessed with the opportunity to use it Every Single Day!

I know all of life is only a part of God’s dream, but I have to admit to very much enjoying the dream, and our part in it, right about now!