In speechless wonder

We performed “Well Done, Lord!” for Sunday service today. It had been a long, long time since we last sang it (not sure why, because it’s one of our favorites).

Seeing as how it’s a rather wordy and poetic song, I was a little worried about remembering all the lyrics. But going over them mentally before service began, I was pleased to discover (yet again!) my tried-and-true secret for remembering words: go deeper into the meaning!

I’ve sung this song hundreds of times over the past twenty years, but today for the first time I really felt the laughter of the mountains as the gypsy clouds sailed by; I could imagine the fields of wheat or wildflowers smiling up at the sun while embracing the morning warmth; and I understood the elation of the trees…every true heart in creation in speechless wonder is bowed.

And once again I bow at Swamiji’s feet in gratitude for the amazing gift of this music.

Well Done, Lord!
In India there lived by the banks of a stream
A hermit whose prayers chose applause for their theme.
He gazed at the flowers, and he smiled at the sun,
Then he clapped with delight: “Lord,” he cried, “Oh, well done!”

Well done, Lord! Oh, very well done!
The mountains that laugh with the gypsy clouds!
The fields smile to welcome the sun;
All nature sings praises aloud.
The trees dance to show their elation:
A day on God’s earth has begun;
And every true heart in creation
In speechless wonder is bowed.

Well done, Lord! Oh, very well done!
The joy that You’ve planted in children’s hearts!
The thrill known in bearing a son;
The hope when a trial departs.
The gladness of men in their neighbors,
Of youth, in its victories won!
Our joys are the proof of Your labors:
How wonderful, Lord, are Your arts.

Well done, Lord! Oh, very well done!
At last I’ve discovered the mystic key:
The world’s joy, O Secretive One!
Replies to Your sweetness in me.
For here in my heart lies the answer:
Your love shedding light like the sun!
All life seems to leap like a dancer,
When, gazing, I see only Thee!