Completely out of juice

Not quite sure why, but after today’s multiple meetings; sing-along prep; the sing-along itself; videotaping the Sunday service backing track; and doing a choir Zoom session about video-recording tips — I’m just completely out of juice. 😉

2 Replies to “Completely out of juice”

  1. Dear One… my friend and I were just discussing this last night — how tired we are after zoom meeting multiple times or most of the day (some days)… We pondered whether it might be that we’re not able to experience the give and take/feeding off each other’s energy fields or something along those lines… It feels like we are pouring out the energy — our “juice” but not getting filled back up again… Ahhh, perhaps I will experiment with getting outside more often (for shorter spurts?) to be recharged by mother nature and/or some Super Conscious Living Exercises… Be safe, be well and Thank you <3 for your loving service to our worldwide spiritual family <3 AUM, peace, JOY! namaste <3

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