Six months and a day

Yesterday: Whoopee! Reached the six months of daily blogging milestone! Feeling good.

Today: Duh. Can’t think of anything inspiring or exciting or interesting to say. Feeling bleh.

Can you say: DUALITY?!?

2 Replies to “Six months and a day”

  1. Boy, do I know that feeling. What in the heck do I want to write about, much less what would anyone else be interested in reading. Judith Cameron talks about morning pages (her suggested time of day), where you just write without stopping for 3 pages (her suggested length), even if it reads “I don’t know what to write about this is stupid what a lousy day” and it somehow gets the creative flow started, and then you get ideas of what to write.d So your blog is actually perfect; you wrote!
    I read an interview with a young comedian, I can’t remember who, a young man, and he told the story about being at a comedy club waiting to go on stage, and Jerry Seinfeld happened to be there, too. He grabbed the opportunity to ask Jerry for any piece of advice he might have for a young comedian just starting out. Jerry told him to get a big wall calendar and start putting a checkmark on every day that he wrote new material. Then Jerry said, “The most important thing is that you never, never, break the chain of checkmarks. That’s how you make progress.”
    So your post today counts. You did it. Maybe tomorrow’s will be longer and more rewarding. That doesn’t matter. You didn’t break the chain.
    You are awesome!

    1. Ooohhh! Thank you for this, Manisha! Lots of takeaways here (for one thing, I’m going to get a big wall calendar!), plus you just helped me get clear about what I want to say today! 🙂

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