Living for God

I really love this photo, which appeared on the Ananda Worldwide Facebook page the other day. For one thing, the photographer beautifully captured the deep devotion of these great souls, each of whom I happen to know and love.

It also strikes me as both sweet and powerful to realize just how much of the world is represented in this photo, as these individuals are from New Zealand, the United States, and India.

And that got me to thinking (not for the first time!) of just how international my spiritual family is! At Ananda Village alone we have members who are originally from Argentina, Canada, Colombia, England, Finland, Germany, Hong Kong, India, Israel, Laos, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, and Switzerland. And that’s just off the top of my head, so I may have missed somebody.

But it’s not just that our community is filled with a wide diversity of people from so many points of the globe. It’s that all these people are dedicated to a spiritual lifestyle based on joy and harmony, consciously choosing a life lived for God. It’s amazing, really!