This makes me so happy!

L-R: Chika, Shamini, Nayantara, Bharat, and Shivendra

For years now, Ramesha and I have wanted to travel to India to work with Ananda singers there, but issue after issue and obstacle after obstacle have repeatedly gotten in the way.

We do our best to connect when people come to visit Ananda Village, or via Zoom when in-person isn’t a possibility, but still it’s been a little frustrating.

However, in this moment I’m feeling completely heartened, encouraged, and inspired by the way this group of singers from Ananda India are taking ownership of the music and forging ahead with presenting it with enthusiasm, deep attunement, and JOY!

I found Bharat’s introductory remarks to be especially impressive.

It feels like a breakthrough moment for the music in India and for our worldwide music ministry.