Accountability time

As I wrote in a blog post from a few weeks ago: “If I don’t have the blog written by 9:30 at night, all I get to write is an acknowledgement of the fact that I don’t have time to write because I have to get ready for bed!

Well, tonight is one of those nights. So sweet dreams, everyone!

2 Replies to “Accountability time”

  1. Sweet dreams to you, too, Bhagavati. Thank you for your “shoulder” tonight, and your support and understanding. Thank you for reminding me that I don’t have to be superwoman just because I want to be.

    1. Dear one, I consider it an HONOR to be able to support you in a moment of need. You have been there in so many ways and for so many people over the years, I’m just happy to give a little in return. After all, even Superwoman needs a break once in a while, but she’s STILL Superwoman! 🙂

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