What I especially love about Umbria

I stayed home all day today, fighting off a little cold before it could become something big and troublesome.

It was wonderful.

I didn’t talk to anyone except Ramesha. I didn’t go out at all. I puttered around the apartment doing things slowly. I gazed out of the windows. But best of all, I got reacquainted with the deep peace and profound stillness of the Umbrian countryside.

I remember how struck I was by the quiet and stillness when I moved to Ananda Assisi back in 2002. A native of the San Francisco Bay Area, I was used to lots of noise and jangly energy.

Being in Umbria was a revelation to me, one that I was very happy to rediscover today.

Hanging out with J & D

Jyotish and Devi were scheduled to do a Zoom satsang this evening for a group from Russia who are starting a community, and (lucky us!) they opened it up to include devotees, groups, and communities from all over.

Thrilling and inspiring.

Literally ringing in the New Year

A pre-dawn symphony to start the new year.

I woke up quite early this morning, which was a good thing because there was so much to do before leaving for the train station and our trip to Assisi.

But what was really cool was opening the window before dawn (preparing to energize) and hearing church bells and bird song.

It somehow felt like an auspicious beginning to 2025.