Falling asleep as I write this

I got to bed way too late last night due to preparations for today’s trip to LA.

We had smooth travels, an uneventful flight, and a lovely dinner and satsang with our hosts. But the day is definitely catching up with me, as I keep nodding off over my laptop.

Good night.

Hildegard and her music

As usual, a little delving into a topic led to a lot more delving.

One of the many things Hildegard of Bingen is known for is her music. While exploring these videos I was reminded that back in the late 90’s I had a CD of her compositions.

Funny how I had completely forgotten about it until now. Of course, I had to delve even deeper to find it, only to discover it was Hildegard’s music but adapted to a sort of pop/New Age sensibility, with electronic instruments and drums, etc. I must have liked it back in the day, but it doesn’t do anything for the current me.

I appreciate how the St. Stanislav Girls’ Choir (above) brings such calm purity to this heavenly music. Below is another gorgeous example. And if you want to read more about Hildegard as a composer and the part music played in how she expressed her spiritual experience, check out this article.

Celebrating St Hildegard of Bingen

“Hildegard of Bingen” by artist, Sue Kouma Johnson, in Hildegard’s style.
Happy Feast Day of St Hildegard of Bingen (1098 – 1179)

I wanted to post a quote in honor of St Hildegard‘s feast day, but there were too many wonderful quotes to choose from!

I finally narrowed it down to only three.

From Portraits of Saints

Hildegard was an amazing woman. I read a novel a few months ago that is based on her life; it was very interesting and even inspiring in spots. I enjoyed it very much.
Illuminations: A Novel of Hildegard von Bingen by Mary Sharratt

About my Lightbearer robe

Early in July, Ramesha got to try on, then take home, his finished Lightbearer robe.

Today was finally my turn (getting robes custom-made is not a quick and easy kind of project!).

What I find interesting is that I feel somewhat distanced and a little detached from the whole idea right now — probably because the start-to-finish process of getting my robe took almost eight months (much of it spent just locating a good local seamstress!).

Of course, I have a hunch I’ll be experiencing a completely different range of feelings come Sunday morning when I get “robed up” for the first time to give service at Ananda Los Angeles. 🙏

Back to the land

A cow and three goats

There are a variety of ways of connecting with nature and one’s natural surroundings.

Some dear friends are doing it by establishing a bit of a farmstead at their home near Ananda Village. They’ve got eight chickens, three goats, and one miniature cow.

I had heard about their small cow, but I had no idea just how truly tiny it is. It’s not much bigger than the goats!

Another friend went out in nature to play her guitar. The wonderful thing about where we live is that the nature she’s in is right outside our apartment (she lives in the group house upstairs).

A take-it-easy Saturday

I consciously left today completely unscheduled.

Last weekend was chock-full of activity; it was followed by an extra busy week; tomorrow is Sunday service; then this coming week we head down to Los Angeles for a weekend of programs.

So, when I realized I had no commitments on today’s calendar I promised myself I would leave it empty…and I did! In fact, I’m enjoying not having much of anything to share about the day.

I watered the garden. I sat on the patio. I read my book. I did some gentle exercise. I sat on the patio. I chatted with Ramesha. I read my book some more. I ate some good meals. I did dishes. I sat on the patio. We watched a show in the evening. And I’m on track to be in bed by 11:00pm.

A nice relaxing day, indeed.

Chant vigil blessings

What I particularly love about the AUM Guru Chant Vigil is the way it both unites and expands our Ananda family all around the world, while sharing blessings with the world at the same time.

Devotees participated from literally around the globe — Serbia, New Zealand, Zimbabwe, and multiple locations in India and the USA.

Making things extra fun this year was the fact that a number Ananda members were visiting other communities when the time came to film the AUM Guru video.

So in one video there are Village residents chanting with the group from Ananda Chandigarh, while the Ananda Los Angeles group is supplemented by members of the Chandi Ashram house at Ananda Village who were in LA to visit Yogananda’s shrines.

Finally, I want to share my favorite comment that appeared in the Live Chat during the broadcast. A member of the Ananda Virtual Community wrote it. Basically she described the AUM Guru Chant Vigil as: Ananda Sangha’s version of It’s a Small World after all” — and I think she’s absolutely right.

Each year when we do this, the world feels just a little bit smaller.

It’s AUM (Om) Guru Chant Vigil time!

The idea for a chant vigil first came up in 2021. Still in the midst of the pandemic, we at Ananda were seeking ways to maintain and strengthen our sense of unity.

There were also wildfires nearby and traumatic things happening throughout the world, prompting a renewed commitment to focus on prayer while staying centered in awareness of God as our true reality.

Now here we are in 2024 and it’s our 4th annual 24-hour AUM (Om) Guru Chant Vigil!

It thrills me to know we’re spreading uplifted vibrations of light, love, and joy throughout the world (Lord knows this world needs it!). 🙏

Heroes come in all shapes and sizes

I usually post a photo in commemoration of 9/11. But after I read the following essay I knew it was what I had to share.

It’s long. But I was sobbing by the time I reached the end.

I’m so grateful to Sean Dietrich for sharing his writing with the world.

It was the dogs. The dogs are what got me.

A few years ago we visited the 9/11 Memorial Museum, and we saw a lot. Twisted steel girders. Baby-faced portraits of the deceased. Mutilated emergency vehicles.

But it was the dogs that wrecked me.

The dog exhibit is pretty small. Located in the far corner of the museum, with photographs of search and rescue dogs.

You see dogs nosing through rubble, wearing safety harnesses. You see them in their prime. They’re all deceased now. But they were spectacular.

There was Riley. Golden retriever. He was trained to find living people. But, he didn’t find any. Instead, he recovered the remains of firefighters. Riley kept searching for a live survivor, but found none. Riley’s morale tanked.

“I tried my best to tell Riley he was doing his job,” said his handler. “He had no way to know that when firefighters and police officers came over to hug him, and for a split second you can see them crack a smile—that Riley was succeeding at doing an altogether different job. He provided comfort. Or maybe he did know.”

There was Coby and Guiness. Black and yellow Labs. From California. Surfer dogs. They found dozens of human remains.

And Abigail. Golden Lab. Happy. Energetic. Committed. Big fan of bacon.

Sage. A border collie. Cheerful. Endless energy. Her first mission was searching the Pentagon wreckage after the attacks. She recovered the body of the terrorist who piloted American Airlines Flight 77.

Jenner. Black Lab. At age 9, he was one of the oldest dogs on the scene. Jenner’s handler, Ann Wichmann, remembers:

“It was 12 to 15 stories high of rubble and twisted steel. My first thought was, ‘I can’t send Jenner into that…’ At one point, [Jenner] disappeared down a hole under the rubble and I was like, ‘Ugggggh!’ Such a heart-stopping moment…”

Trakr. German Shepherd. Tireless worker. Worked until he couldn’t stand up anymore. Trakr found Genelle Guzman-McMillan, who was trapped for 27 hours among the debris. Genelle was as good as dead, until the cold nose poked through the mangled steel.

Apollo. German shepherd. An NYPD police dog. Coal-black muzzle. Liquid eyes. The first dog on the scene, only 15 minutes after the attacks. Apollo worked 18-hour days. Once, he was nearly killed in a fire during his search. But Apollo had been drenched in water and he was quick on his feet. No injuries.

Jake. Labrador. As a puppy, Jake was found on the side of the road in Dallas. Abandoned. Left for dead. Like trash. He had a dislocated hip and a broken leg. They made him a rescue dog.

Jake worked until his body threatened to collapse from exhaustion. After his shifts, local New York merchants saw his rescue-dog vest and treated him to free steak dinners in upscale Manhattan restaurants.

And, of course, there was Bretagne. Golden Retriever. Easygoing. Dutiful. Obsessed with food. Her owner and trainer, Denise Corliss, a firefighter from Harris County, Texas, brought Bretagne to Ground Zero while the rubble was still hot.

Bretagne went straight to work. She worked for 10 days solid. Ten agonizing days. Bretagne never quit. She napped onsite.

Denise recalls: “…There are images of Bretagne going to where she was directed to search, into the unknown, the chaotic environment. But even then, she knew who needed the comfort of a dog, and which firefighter needed to hold her close and stroke her fur.”

After 9/11, Bretagne also helped recovery efforts during the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, and Ivan. She retired at age 9.

Old age finally overtook her, she had a hard time using stairs, so Denise installed an above-ground pool to keep Bretagne’s joints limber.

In retirement, Bretagne became a reading dog at a local elementary school. First graders, too shy to read aloud, would read to a white-faced, elderly retriever who looked them in the eyes and smiled.

Bretagne visited students with special needs. She visited students with autism. She visited everyone.

She suffered kidney failure at age 16. She was put to sleep on June 7, 2016, and became the last of the 9/11 rescue dogs to end her earthly career.

Bretagne hobbled into the Cypress, Texas, animal hospital, one sunny Monday, only to discover the sidewalks and hallways were lined with firefighters, first responders, and rescue workers who saluted her.

Her remains were later escorted from the hospital, draped in an American flag.

We do not deserve dogs.