20th proposal anniversary 💝

Twenty years ago today this wonderful man asked me to marry him.

He had planned to wait for Valentine’s Day. But it was a relaxed Saturday morning; we had finished breakfast and were simply talking at the table. Still in our comfy meditation clothes, the conversation was intimate and deep.

Suddenly he said he had to ask me something and that was it. No hesitation, just an immediate YES!

So, today — twenty years later — he asked me again. This time with a diamond engagement ring. Took me completely by surprise!

And, through the tears, it was once again, YES! — now, today, and always. 💖

Ecco fatto!

From this…

I’m not entirely fluent in Italian, but I’ve spent enough almost fluent years that some phrases come to me in Italian instead of English. They just feel more right.

“Ecco fatto” is an example. I finally went through my accumulation of notes on random slips of paper and got them organized them into categories, which certainly feels like an accomplishment.

In English I could say, “done!” or “finished!” But “ecco fatto” somehow captures much more completely the utter satisfaction of the moment.

…to this. Ecco fatto!

So much to be grateful for

Sure, there’s still no power, which is inconvenient.

True, we ran into issues changing phone providers, which was annoying.

Yes, it been raining a lot, which can feel a little oppressive.

But on the other hand…

Our heat is propane, so we’re nice and warm. We’ve got a small generator, so fridge and wifi work. We live in spiritual community, surrounded by friends. We love our work, which we get to do together.

And even more basic…

We have a roof over our heads, our roads aren’t flooded, we have plenty to eat, and no fear for our personal safety.

I mean, really…! I am extremely blessed, and I know it.

An evening of obstacles

A power outage. No wi-fi. No cellular on my phone.

It’s kind of a long story, but I had to borrow Ramesha’s phone even to write this much.

Oh well. Tomorrow’s a new day!

“I can’t keep up!”

I totally get where Snoopy’s coming from. That feeling close to panic at how fast things are going and realizing you can’t keep up.

I also totally get his (ahem) solution!

Honoring my hometown

I just learned that Milpitas turned 70 at the end of January (being incorporated as a city on January 26, 1954).

Although I was born in San Francisco, Milpitas is where I spent my formative years, from the age of four and a half until I moved out more or less on my own at eighteen.

Thinking about it brings back a lot of memories, especially of the beautiful foothills — vibrant green in the rainy season, golden brown in the summer — on the eastern edge of the town.

Feeling a bit nostalgic now. Sigh.

Taking on a new self-care challenge

I’m fairly challenged around self-care in many forms — getting enough sleep; making time to meditate; getting regular exercise; etc. But a self-care area that I’ve only tuned into recently is how little real cooking I do.

Usually when I make food at home it’s a super easy dish that is so habitual that I don’t even have to think about it. Like the exact same oatmeal breakfast every single day. Maybe scrambled eggs with toast for lunch. Occasionally pasta with broccoli.

Most of the time I still feel the compulsion to “eat out” — just like I did growing up in the Bay Area and later as a freelance musician living in San Francisco — even though there are virtually no restaurants within a ten miles of where I live now.

But a few months ago I happened upon a healthy eating program that caught my attention. It felt really different, largely because of its emphasis on getting back to cooking one’s meals at home.

The emphasis on “eating for nourishment and satisfaction” resonated deeply though it’s taken a long time to actually put it into practice.

But today was the day! So, here’s my “Skillet Lasagna,” which was quite delicious! (I’m patting myself on the back.) 💯