A beautiful evening for a lovely rehearsal

Sunset afterglow at Crystal Hermitage as we were packing up after rehearsal

Tonight was our final choir rehearsal for this Saturday’s event celebrating Nayaswami Jyotish’s 80th birthday.

Two of the musical offerings we’ve prepared for Jyotish felt rather daunting to pull together in the limited time we had available after the conclusion of Spiritual Renewal Week. But tonight it was clear that both projects were absolutely the right thing to do, and they’re coming together beautifully.

In fact, thinking over the entire rehearsal, I’m feeling a whole lot of gratitude for the harmonious, team-oriented, collaborative way that our music ministry and the entire choir works together.

Sure, there are chaotic moments, but the overall feeling is one of uplifted and uplifting FUN.

What a joy it is to serve in this way.