Happy birthday to (most of) my family!

Four out of us five siblings have our birthdays in June! Clockwise from top: Brian (the exception; his birthday is in MARCH!); Gilbert; Cathy; Jonathan; and me.

Yes, today is my birthday, but first thing on my mind this morning was the fact that I owe birthday greetings to a lot (and I do mean a lot) of family members.

I got so busy after returning from Europe that I fell behind on acknowledging the early June birthdays. So I want to catch up on those, but I’m also thinking to save myself some stress by going ahead and sending July birthday greetings as well.

So, happy birthday to my brother Gilbert and his wife Carolyn! And happy birthday to my niece, Janaya! Happy birthday to my sister, Cathy; to my brother, Jonathan, and to another niece, Lauren. And that does it for June.

Moving on to July…happy birthday to Lauren’s daughter, Malyah; to yet another niece, Nina; to Dad; and a happy heavenly birthday to my mother, Louise!

Then there’s Ramesha’s family, and friends who are like family: Happy birthday to Lia, Samuele, Nancy, Nicole, and Karin!

If ever we plan a June/July birthday party it will be huge. 🎂

Swimming in details

We are fully back to our traditional (as in “pre-pandemic”) Spiritual Renewal Week, which means a Tuesday night concert with approximately 30 singers from Ananda Village and an additional 35 or so singers from Ananda communities around the world.

And only one rehearsal. Which not everyone will arrive in time to attend.

Then there’s chanting and a song before each weekday class. Plus a kirtan. And an Indian banquet with a musical entertainment component.

I was tempted to title today’s blog: “Drowning in details,” but that would be an exaggeration. I just have to keep going and I’m fine.

But if I were stop and try to tread water, it would be all over.

Grateful for Gilbert and Louise

This Father’s Day I’m thinking about both my Dad and my Mom.

Yesterday — the day before Father’s Day — was the 30th anniversary of my mother’s passing. It boggles my mind how so much time can have gone by already.

Thinking of you with love, Mom. And feeling more grateful than words can express that my Dad is still with us.

A sacred addition to our home

During our brief time at Ananda Assisi, we finally had a chance to visit our friend, Shantidev, at his Meditation Art studio.

I had been admiring Shantidev’s artwork for some time and, once we were there in person and I saw this beautiful (but small) spiritual eye, I just knew we needed it for our (small) apartment.

We had it shipped home and it finally arrived the other day. Needless to say, we love it!

A satisfying movie night

We watched “A Man Called Otto” tonight and enjoyed it very much.

Of course, you can’t go wrong with Tom Hanks. We also really enjoyed the supporting cast, especially “Marisol” (played by Mariana Treviño) and an oh-so-elegant kitty.

The movie made us think, as well as evoking a wide range of emotions. There was sadness, for sure, but it was ultimately life-affirming.

One review referred to it as a “tender message of hopefulness and spiritual renewal” and I have to agree.

Star light, star bright

This is the sight that stopped me in my tracks as I left the Temple after choir rehearsal tonight. Can you see the first star?

These long summer evenings really are magical, reminding me of the impulse from my long ago childhood days.

Star light, star bright,
First star I see tonight;
I wish I may, I wish I might
Have the wish I wish tonight.

Excellent advice

A friend responded to yesterday’s blog post about “juggling” with an always appropriate and deeply appreciated reminder:

“When in doubt breathe in, breathe out, and keep repeating.”

Truly excellent advice.

It’s juggling time

I can tell that we are well and truly back.


I’m once again feeling like a full-time juggler: SRW (kirtan, concert, classes, donor tea, banquet); Sevaka retreat; Oratorio recording; Sunday music; dental work; India plans; and more.

Sometimes I feel like this guy looks. 😂

Baby Got Track

Photo of the “Baby Got Track” team, from the Humans of New York Facebook page

If you’re on Facebook much you might have heard of the page, Humans of New York. They post touching or inspiring or weird stories about random New Yorkers.

Well, the story I read today is super-inspiring. In fact, I think it’s one of the best ever. (I was tempted to paste the entire thing here in my blog, but it’s too long.)

Briefly, it’s about how a middle school teacher — a young black woman — stepped up to the plate and started an afterschool track program; the impact it’s had on her students; and the victories they’re achieving as a result.

The synopsis doesn’t say much. But here are some quotes from the actual story that I hope will give you a sense of what I love so much about this…starting with the opening line:

“The school wanted to create some new after-school programs. I’d run track in high school. Was I good? No. But I ran. So I volunteered to create the track program.”

I mean, this right here is AWESOME: “Was I good? No. But I ran.” And “I volunteered”!

Also: “I’m not rushing them to be grown” and “My goal was just to finish the season. I wanted them to learn commitment. So when they grow up they can determine their own way without somebody pushing them.”

So much wisdom from this young teacher.

And then there’s all the love in the comments — thousands of them! I don’t know when I’ve ever read so many positive, loving, supportive, enthusiastic words in one place before (well, that wasn’t something spiritual anyways).

Here’s one that especially caught my eye, probably because “Say YES to life” is one of the guiding principles of Ananda:

“This is the kind of magic that happens when you say ‘Yes’. It’s a wonderful lesson for us all to step up to the plate even when we don’t feel we have the experience and credentials to do a job- sometimes what is needed most is conviction and passion! Go BGT!”

And I just can’t help sharing a few more:

“Sometimes it just takes one person to believe in you, encourage you, AND require something of you.”

“These are the lessons kids don’t learn on paper, sitting at a desk, and they aren’t measured by a percentage. The lesson of showing up, for your team, for yourself, practicing and accomplishing. Trying something. Taking a chance. Mastering. The empowerment is priceless. Awesome learning.”

“So many great things about this story! Volunteering, motivating, teamwork, great attitudes. They just needed their squad and some positive reinforcement.”

“Very inspiring! Right now, someone out there is reading this piece, and turning it into a ‘inspired by real events’ Disney movie script.”

I hope that last comment is prophetic, because at the end of their first year as a team, Baby Got Track won the New York State Middle School Championship!

I can’t wait to see the movie.

Team members of Baby Got Track

An anything goes kind of night

In fact, there’s no rhyme or reason for this photo, except that it caught my eye.

Something about how focused and alert the kitty is.

Anyway, it’s late. Good night!