Perfect divine order

I love when Divine Mother puts me in just the right spot at just the right time, allowing me to know beyond all doubt that God is in charge.

Today it happened as I had finished running a few errands in the mailroom and was walking back to my car.

I heard my name and turned around to see a dear friend from Los Angeles getting out of her car to greet me. I knew she was coming for a visit but thought I might not see her because we’re going out of town tomorrow.

But there she was and we were able to have a short but deep time of connection.

And then it got even better!

We were literally the only two people at the (closed) Market, where she had stopped in hopes of getting directions to the home of the friend at whose home she was staying. So I was able to have her follow me to the location (which would have been way confusing to try and describe in words).

So, yeah. It’s wonderful to be reminded that all really is in perfect divine order. We just have to do our best to stay tuned in to that flow and let it guide us.