The Green Lady of New York

“It’s not instant. It’s something you do over a period of time. It began with green accents. I’d mix green into my nail polish, and put green streaks in my hair. There’s a small school across the street from our house. And whenever I walked our dog Dylan, I noticed that the children responded to the green. They’d give me little, timid waves. Oh, I love children. Little, happy people. They’re just so naturally there. And they love green. They’re drawn to it. Children are always bringing me green things, and dropping letters into my mailbox. Sometimes I can’t even read the handwriting, but it makes me so happy. People make me happy. They’re always so loving and sweet. I’ve never met a negative person—I just don’t bother with that part of people. When someone approaches me on the street, I give them a hug, and say something nice. It’s all that I’m looking for. And it’s all that I find. It really makes a big difference in life, not to be closed up. It’s a way of life. Whether you become a doctor, or a lawyer, or a green lady, you’re accomplishing what’s in your heart.” #comebacknyc

I love reading the stories on the Humans of New York Facebook page and today’s really touched me. I particularly appreciate her perspective on people; I made it bold in her comments above, because I loved it so much!

“It’s all that I’m looking for. And it’s all that I find.” Words to live by, for sure.

Actually, I realized that this wasn’t the first time I heard about the Green Lady. I had read an article in the New York Times a while ago. Click here if you want to learn more about her.

And finally, while we’re on the topic of being green, I want to leave you with this beautiful song about embracing what is and being who you are, by Kermit the Frog.

The NOW moment finally arrives

You know how it is when you procrastinate about something just a little too long and it starts to feel absolutely insurmountable…???

[Or am I the only one?!? 😂]

Well, I had one of those going and it was starting to really be an issue, because if I didn’t do what I needed to do, an entire event was going to fall through the cracks.

But this evening I finally broke through and got it done. Whew!

And now I’m done for the night.

Thoughts on a windy day

It was quite windy when I took my walk this morning and I found myself stopping a few times to simply watch and listen to the wind in the trees.

Which got me to thinking about a half-remembered poem from childhood. The little bit I recalled spoke of how we know the wind is there even when we can’t see it, because of the effect it has on the things we can see.

And I realized that this also describes how I know God is there, because of the effect on things (especially myself and other people) that I can see. And by the changes I’ve experienced as a result.

I searched for the poem, of course! My recollection of it was pretty sketchy, but it might very well be the poem below.

The Wind

I saw you toss the kites on high
And blow the birds about the sky;
And all around I heard you pass,
Like ladies’ skirts across the grass—
      O wind, a-blowing all day long,
      O wind, that sings so loud a song!

I saw the different things you did,
But always you yourself you hid.
I felt you push, I heard you call,
I could not see yourself at all—
      O wind, a-blowing all day long,
      O wind, that sings so loud a song!

O you that are so strong and cold,
O blower, are you young or old?
Are you a beast of field and tree,
Or just a stronger child than me?
      O wind, a-blowing all day long,
      O wind, that sings so loud a song!

Walking vs sleeping

There’s a bit of a competition happening.

I’ve been prioritizing getting up early to walk, which is working really well for me.

And most nights I’m still getting between 7-8 hours of sleep, but when I don’t…boy, do I feel it!

For now, I’d have to say that walking is winning, but I’m hopeful that sleep will insist on its rights as well! 😄

The Happy Wanderer

I’ve been enjoying starting my days with a walk so much that I didn’t want to miss this morning, even though I was scheduled to sing for Sunday service.

So, I left extra early — with Sunday clothes, sandals, and breakfast shake in my backpack — and walked to the amphitheater!

It felt really good being out in the beautiful morning sunshine and all of a sudden a song from childhood popped into my head: “I love to go a-wandering along the mountain track, and as I go, I love to sing, my knapsack on my back.” The only other verse I remembered was: “Oh, may I go a-wandering until the day I die! And, may I always laugh and sing, beneath God’s clear blue sky!”

I felt so happy as I sang it inwardly the whole way!

Of course, I had to look it up after I got back home. Here’s a video — in case you somehow have never heard the song — and the complete lyrics. What a wonderful example of joyfully singing while feeling at one with the world!

The Happy Wanderer
I love to go a-wandering,
Along the mountain track,
And as I go, I love to sing,
My knapsack on my back.

Val-deri, Val-dera,
Val-deri, Val-dera.
My knapsack on my back.

I love to wander by the stream
That dances in the sun,
So joyously it calls to me,
“Come! Join my happy song!”

I wave my hat to all I meet,
And they wave back to me,
And blackbirds call so loud and sweet
From ev’ry green wood tree.

High overhead, the skylarks wing,
They never rest at home
But just like me, they love to sing,
As o’er the world we roam.

Oh, may I go a-wandering
Until the day I die!
Oh, may I always laugh and sing,
Beneath God’s clear blue sky!

Blessed by “Channels”

Lately, “Channels” has become sort of my theme song.

There was a special workday this morning at “Gurushanti”, a large home right next to Ananda Village that was recently purchased by Ananda devotees.

Because this property had been neglected for a number of years, the plan was to end the morning with a blessing by Jyotish and Devi, followed by chanting and a processional to invoke the presence of the gurus.

Well, during the opening prayer, Jyotish also made reference to the trees and the nature spirits, which — of course — had me thinking about “Channels”!

So, when the blessings and processional were finished, I tentatively asked whether they thought it would be appropriate to sing “Channels” and they enthusiastically responded, YES!

And so it happened that we spontaneously performed “Channels” — outdoors, in the sunshine, before a stunning view of forests and mountains, with a river far below in the canyon, birds singing, and flowers blooming. Even the stars were present, though we couldn’t see them.

What a thrill it was. And what a blessing. A completely unexpected moment of serendipity and Guru’s grace.

A Friday kind of blog post

After a day of multiple meetings and big decisions, on top of a long and intense week, this really resonated!

Every time I read it I find myself heaving a huge sigh, releasing just a little more of the accumulated stress and strain.

I hope it does the same for you. Happy weekend. Have an ice cream.

What is it you channel?

These words by Swamiji about how we’re all channels are well worth deep reflection.

“Everything around you is a channel
for something greater than itself.
Have you ever thought of that?
The flowers are channels of beauty.
The trees channel calmness and strength.
The earth is a channel for life.

Yes, you, too, are a channel. —

But what is it you channel?
Is it moods?

Or is it gladness?
a laughing heart?
The world has so many gifts to share with you.
For God is like a Mother,
who loves all Her children,
And wants to see them happy and well.

But if you won’t look for Her, trustingly;
And if, when you see Her beauty in the rose,
you turn away —
You mustn’t wonder if Her channels wither, and close —
And if the flowers stop blooming,
and the trees hang drooping in the sun.

Worse still, you may find, if you turn away,
That your own heart begins to grow smaller,
And — in a world so full of miracles —
That you feel all alone, and afraid.

— Swami Kriyananda (from the introduction to Winging on the Wind: Songs and Poems)

Walking accountability

I’ve decided that walking every day is my gift to myself for my birthday month.

I had been skipping my walk for too many days in the first half of this current challenge. But I’m back on track now, having gotten in my morning walk two days in a row (ooh, a streak)!

The key for me is walking in the morning. So I’ve decided that — if I have to choose between a full 7-8 hours of sleep OR getting up early enough to walk before the day gets too hot –I’m choosing to get up early. For now at least.

Earlier today I made myself a “walking accountability calendar” where I can keep track visually (I’ll use gold stars, of course!). And this is the photo I chose for motivation, because next time we go to Switzerland I fully intend to be able to go walking in the mountains with Silvio and Graziella!

I can’t believe it!

I spaced out my blog today. Just forgot, pure and simple. It hasn’t happened in a really long time, if ever!

Oh well, at least I remembered in time to write something.