Feeling inundated

Lately it seems like projects and deadlines have been coming at me in tsunami-like waves. As soon as I complete one, the next is already on the horizon!


Oratorio to the rescue

I’ve written before about how disorienting this past year has felt, as we’ve gone month after month (after month) without the anchor of our regular choir rehearsals. Focused around rotating cycle of seasonal events, I never realized just how important they were to helping me know where I was in space and time.

So, sure enough, about a week ago I sort of “woke up” and realized: “It’s almost Easter!” But it didn’t feel real.

Until tonight, when our Village choir had an Easter Zoom sing-along, during which we sang all twelve choir songs from the Oratorio composed by Swami Kriyananda. Oh my, it was like finding an oasis in the middle of the desert; it felt that good to sing these inspired songs with our fellow choir members — even through Zoom and even without all the solos and instrumentals.

And now I’m in the mood, with — thank goodness — lots more Oratorio opportunities ahead! In tomorrow’s blog I’ll share more information and links, just in case you’d like to tap into this inspiration for yourself.

No more playing small

The music team had an inspiring meeting with three of our spiritual mentors this afternoon. I’m always uplifted in their presence, but it’s especially powerful when they’re giving us guidance, encouragement, and suggestions for our work with the music ministry.

But as I was reflecting on all the wonderful projects and future ideas ahead of us, I realized that there’s only one real obstacle to my being able to successfully serve God and Gurus in this way….and that’s ME.

Yep, the usual doubts: can I do it? will it be enough? — blah, blah, blah.

So, I remembered this wonderful poem by Marianne Williamson (often incorrectly attributed to Nelson Mandela) and decided it was time to read it again (and again and again…).

Mundane tasks of no great import

Then there are days full of mundane tasks, things of no great import. Except that they’re part of helping one’s life to function smoothly.

I can sometimes reach the end of such days and get down on myself for not doing “more” of what’s “important.”

Hence the reminder to be kind to myself. It also helps to remember the need for ebb and flow, for peaks and valleys.

Oh, right! BALANCE.

Spring has sprung

And we spent part of the afternoon sitting on the Master’s Market lawn — enjoying the sunshine and blossoming trees; greeting friends as they walked by; and enjoying a muffin from Prita’s Cafe!

Spring is here and life is good. 😊

That Friday feeling

This was one of those weeks — lots going on in the music ministry; Inner Renewal Week classes every day; multiple meetings; and last week of my 28 day challenge — WHEW!

I am definitely ready for a laid back Friday night and some actual R & R time over the weekend.

Wishing the same for you as well!

Feeling proud of myself

In the past 28 days, I accomplished the following:

  1. Got to bed before midnight almost every single night — often even before 11:00! The latest I was up was 12:30, and that only happened once or twice. This is like a MIRACLE to me!
  2. Got 7-8 (or more) hours sleep every single night.
  3. Cut out all sugar and starchy carbs. Period. And I finally understand that I didn’t have a sugar addiction; it was the carbs, baby! Once I stopped eating them, no problem with cravings at all.
  4. Walked for thirty minutes 24 out of the 28 days.
  5. Saw my blood pressure readings go down into the normal or optimal range almost every day.
  6. Fasted one day each week.
  7. Best of all, I felt a renewed strengthening of my will power!

And, yes, I did drop some weight — which is a big part of what the program I’m doing is about — but that seems almost incidental to all these other benefits (aka NSV’s or Non Scale Victories).

So, yes, I’m feeling pretty darn proud of myself! We’re on a break now but I’ll start another 28 day challenge in April. It’s working for me!

Feeling like a prize winner

I just accomplished a HUGE goal!

I have so much I want to say about it, but — wouldn’t you know — just as I was reaching the finish line, all sorts of other work piled up! I feel like I’ve spent the last few days scrambling, and accomplishing more in that time than in the two weeks before. Maybe it’s not quite true, but it feels that way!

At any rate, more in-depth sharing will have to wait until tomorrow. Good night, all!

A working fast

For the past month I’ve been fasting once a week. It’s been a little challenging getting into a new regime, but it also feels good.

I usually take it pretty easy, but today — the last of this month’s weekly fast days — I ended up with a bunch of time sensitive projects that had to be addressed subito.

While it’s definitely true that the brain isn’t as sharp when operating without sustenance, I did what I had to do and got it done, regardless.

Now I’m ready to pack it in and (hopefully) go to bed at least a little bit early.

Ready to catch some zzzz’s

Don’t know if it’s lingering vaccination fatigue or the five(!) loads of laundry I did today. Or maybe it’s a combination of the two.

Whatever the reason, I’ve been dragging off and on all day. Now I’m fully ready to say my prayers and hit the sack. 😴