Music is saving the world

I’m feeling deeply inspired by people like Melanie DeMore (whose video I posted the day before yesterday) and the Bengsons. They are brilliantly responding to the craziness of these times with so much love and light, with such honesty and authenticity, touching the soft and vulnerable center of those of us who are listening.

And they’re comforting, soothing, supporting, and — most of all — helping us to tap into our own honest and authentic love and light. And I know from reading the many comments that I’m not the only one experiencing this (the comments are beautiful, actually).

And as crazy and hard and challenging as everything is right now, I’m also deeply appreciative of the fact that — because live performance isn’t currently possible — so many amazing artists are pouring their hearts and souls onto livestreams and virtual concerts, where they’re reaching infinitely more people than ever. Including me (thank you, God)!

So. All this is prompting some serious soul-searching on my part. Which is as it should be! I believe this is a time for all of us to be asking what is our honest and authentic offering? How can we best share our love and light with the world?

Wow! When I focus on life from this perspective I can honestly say: what a time to be alive!

P.S. Here’s yet more honest, authentic, love- and light-filled brilliance, performed to the Bengsons’ song…

Heart connections

We can’t sing together as a choir, so we have to find other ways to maintain our heart connections. Such as meditating together (as a choir) in the Temple of Light, which we finally got to do tonight!

Sure, there were only perhaps 10-15 of us, but it’s a good first step towards keeping our choir magnetism strong and unified as we continue exploring alternative ways of joining our energies together (without song).

Sending You Light

This is the very definition of “heartfelt”. Close your eyes and let it in. Let the light and the love in. 💗

Thank you, Melanie DeMore and Julie Wolf.

My happy place

We were on for Sunday service music in the Temple of Light today after a long dry spell. If my memory serves, the last time I sang in the Temple was for a wedding at the end of August.

Here’s the thing…if I’m not regularly singing/playing for somebody I can forget just how important it is for me to do so. This morning was a wakeup call/reminder. It was like coming home to the essence of who I am.

Ramesha and I are working on ways to perform more and this definitely adds fuel to the fire of motivation. Because being in a musical flow really is my happy place.

Preparing for reentry

We’re wrapping up our staycation and preparing for reentry.

I’ve never really thought about it before, but ending a vacation and preparing to get back into your regular routine is like merging onto a freeway: ready or not, you have to increase your speed in order to slip right into the flow of traffic.

Which will be us tomorrow morning, jumping right back into singing for Sunday service. 😜

Capturing a moment in time

Sundara caught me in this sunset moment.

We capped our week off with a downright magical visit to the new home of dear friends (and former housemates), Nandadevi and Sundara.

It had been way too long since we spent real time together, but we certainly made up for it this evening: after three hours we still had a hard time tearing ourselves away!

The perfect amount of getaway

A beautiful day. A relaxing (and not too long) drive. Trees with autumn foliage. Strolling through Downieville. A delicious lunch while listening to 80’s music. Sitting by the river. A relaxed drive home. Just me and Ramesha.


Like you love yourself.

The big one for me right now…oh, who do I think I’m kidding? The big one for me right now and always is: “SLEEP like you love yourself.”

Which translates as: consistently going to bed early enough to get enough sleep that my body can heal and I can wake up nice and early without a lot of stress or strain.

Sounds like a fairy tale. I’m really starting to wonder If I’ll ever be able to make it happen.

Time to compromise

A friend quite rightly pointed out that it would probably be a good idea for me to let go of the daily blog post during this little staycation.

The thing is, writing a blog post every single day for over a year is the commitment with which I’ve been the most consistent in a long time. So, I really don’t want to mess that up.

On the other hand, this is my week to take things easy; to relax; and most of all — to try and catch up on sleep!

The answer? Compromise! For the rest of the week I’ll simply post a quote or a beautiful photo or a couple of sentences about a particulary fun activity…and call it good!