Adorably quirky

Or maybe I should say quirkily adorable? At any rate, I find it strangely mesmerizing and simply had to share!


Ha ha ha! What can I say? This pretty much sums up the state of my brain these days! 😂

‘Tis the season…

…for my schedule to get more and more out of whack! As a result, I’ve been writing later and later into the evenings.

With everything already off-kilter it’s tempting to think: “Oh, what’s the use?”

But I’m not falling for that!

I’m determined to hold on to at least a little of the ground I’ve gained in this battle for a more balanced life! After all, the holiday season won’t last forever! 🎄

Back to myself

Dipped pretty low there for a couple of days, but feeling more “myself” again today. Important lessons were learned along the way, but — as per usual during this intensely busy season — I’ll have to explore them more at length in another blog post.

Good night!

Feeling challenged?

I sure was today! And I know I’m not alone. A lot of people are experiencing hard stuff–physically, emotionally; themselves, their loved ones…

Of course, my challenge is mostly around feeling out of balance, which makes everything seem that much more overwhelming.

So…what’s the main thing I need to do to achieve more balance? Stop writing, turn off the computer, and go to bed! 😀

Show & tell

A picture’s worth a thousand words…and I figure a video is worth a full blog post! That said, here’s what we’ve been up to lately (the program we handed out at the concert is below the video). Enjoy! 🙂

The Ananda Village Choir

Another Temple “first”

Today was the first ever Christmas concert in the new Temple of Light…and what a concert it was!

Haven’t had a chance to view the video, but it sure felt good…and the feedback has been through the roof!

Sunday service. Concert prep, concert, and concert cleanup. Choir dinner afterwards in Expanding Light dining room. So…how do you follow up all that inspiration in a way that’s relaxing but still uplifted?

You turn on the Christmas tree lights, sit on the couch with your hubby, and watch the original animated version of How the Grinch Stole Christmas (for probably the 45th time; my favorite Christmas story!). 🙂

It’s here

Tomorrow at 5:30 pm is the first Christmas concert in our new Temple of Light!

I actually feel kind of nervous. Partly because we now have plenty of seating. That means the public is invited, after years of our audience consisting almost entirely of Ananda Village residents, which is basically just performing for family!

I think there’s also a little internal pressure for many of us, because we so much want our performance to measure up to, and be worthy of, this incredible Temple.

What a lovely challenge to have, actually. 🙂

All about nothing

All these posts about nothing really are starting to get to me. It’s challenging to not get into self-criticism and all that. I mean, it is a super-busy time of year for us, but then I think maybe that’s just an excuse.

Ah well, recently bought a book about self-compassion; I don’t think it’s a coincidence! 🙂

Final countdown

The first Christmas concert in the Temple of Light is in three days. Tonight was the final run-through and choir’s doing (and sounding) great!

But, oh–! the details, the myriad details–!

And that’s my day in a nutshell.
